Americans have long since taken up Adams's suggestion with awesome energy and enthusiasm. July 4 is, of course, a holiday from work, and the occasion for all-day picnics in most communities. Having eaten their fill of hot dogs, burgers, and potato salad, everyone eagerly throws themselves into a program of often quirky activities like three-legged races and pie-eating contests.
长久以来,美国人对于落实亚当斯总统的建议可说是兴 致勃勃、乐此不疲。七月四日这天,自然是劳动者的休假日,也是大众全天外出野餐的良机。在享用完丰盛的热狗、 汉堡包和土豆沙拉之后,人们迫不及待地加入到一些妙趣横 生的活动中,如两人三脚跑、吃派竞赛等等。