Before undergoing treatment for depression, a person must first meet certain criteria: He or she must exhibit five or more major symptoms almost daily for a minimum of two weeks, and at least one of these symptoms must be a marked lack of interest or pleasure in activities, or a depressed mood. If symptoms are evident and show no sign of decreasing, a doctor will decide how to treat the problem.
在接受忧郁症的治疗之前,病人首先必须符合一定的条件:至少连续在两周内每日出现五种以上主要症状,并且至少其中一种明显症状就是,表现为对各种活动缺乏兴趣、兴致,情绪低 落。如果症状明显,且毫无改善迹象,医生就会视情况治疗。
(短文节选,本篇始于:性命“忧”关 )