Larry和李华到学校附近一家新开的墨西哥快餐店吃饭。今天李华会学到两个常用语:cash cow和tickled pink。
LL: Wow! This place is a real cash cow! Look how crowded it is!
LH: Cash cow? 什么是cash cow? 我知道cash就是钱,现金;cow是一头牛。噢,我懂了,cash cow就是一头很有钱的牛。意思就是,这里生意这么兴隆,钱赚很多。对不对?
LL: That is right! A cash cow is a business that is very profitable. This is obviously a popular place, so they must be making a lot of money.
LH: 没错,这家餐厅一定很赚钱。你看,要是这里每小时来200个客人,每人平均消费7美元,那就不得了了!
LL: That's $1,400 an hour! This place is definitely a cash cow. I wish I owned a business like this.
LH: 嗯,我也希望自己能有这样一个赚钱的摇钱树呢。
LL: You know what? The new movie theater that they just opened by campus is another real cash cow.
LH: 对耶!学校旁边那家新开的电影院,是这附近唯一的一家,所以大家都上那儿去看电影。他们肯定也很赚钱。
LL: Tickets are really expensive, too, but we don't have a choice because there aren't any other movie theaters nearby.
LH: 真没办法,就因为这是这儿唯一的一家电影院,尽管票价贵,大家也别无选择!他们变成了赚钱的影院,a cash cow!可苦了我们这些穷学生!
LL: At least they give student discounts on weekdays. That makes it a little bit easier on us.
LH: 看来,我们最好在星期一到星期五之间去看电影。这样可以享受优惠价。不过这对戏院本身也有好处么!这样一来,学生就愿意在生意比较清淡的时间去看电影喽!
LL: You should be a businesswoman, Li Hua. It seems like you really understand these things. If you own a business, I'm sure it will turn out to be a cash cow.
LH: 也不见得啦!我其实对做生意没太大兴趣。
LL: I'm tickled pink with the food here. What do you think, Li Hua? Do you like Mexican food?
LH: 我很喜欢墨西哥菜,好吃极了。你说你tickled pink ?Tickle是搔痒的意思,pink是粉红色,你是说这道菜太辣了?
LL: No, I mean that I really like the food. To be tickled pink by something is to be really pleased by it.
LH: 噢,原来,tickled pink是指非常高兴,很满意的意思。嗯,我也很喜欢这里的菜。I am tickled pink too。
LL: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you: I got a really good job for the summer. I'm really tickled pink about it.
LH: 你找到一份非常好的暑期工?那太好了。我真替你高兴。那你什么时候开始工作呢?
LL: I'll take a couple of weeks off after exams and then start work at the beginning of June. I told my mom and she was tickled pink too.
LH: 考完试休息几个星期再工作。这安排真是不错。别说你妈听了高兴,谁听了都会替你高兴。我还不知道暑期干什么呢!
LL: Aren't you going to visit Vancouver?
LH: 对,我是要去温哥华看我哥哥,但是我得先打工,赚了钱才能去呀!听说学校图书馆有暑期工作。
LL: That sounds good. You could sit in the air-conditioned library all summer and read and play on the Internet. You should be tickled pink to get a job like that!
LH: 对,要是他们要我的话,我可以一个暑期坐在有空调的图书馆里看书,玩互联网。有那么一个工作,我当然高兴啦!
今天李华学到两个常用语。一个是cash cow,这是指非常赚钱的生意。也就是摇钱树。另一个常用语是tickled pink,是让人非常高兴,非常愉快的意思。