Volunteer: Hello! I’m Expo 2010 volunteer! May I help you?
志愿者:你好! 我是上海世博会志愿者,有什么可以帮助你的吗?
Visitor: Oh, yes, This is the master plan…quite clear developed , however , it’s still a bit
difficult for me ,an English , to read .Would you please draw a clearer picture to me?
Volunteer: No problem! My pleasure!
Visitor: Oh, you’re so kind! Could you tell me why the two theme pavilions are located on the
other side of the river?
Volunteer: They are two of the theme pavilions, namely Pavilion of Urban Civilization and Pavilion
of Future, located in Puxi Site.
Visitor: Oh, I see, How about the tower? I cannot tell if it is located in the left or right hand.
Volunteer: This is the Harmony Tower, situated to the east of the Pavilion of Future, at the top
of the tower; you may enjoy a birds-eye view over the whole Expo site.
Visitor: The large area nearby is the Urban Best Practices Area (UBPA), isn’t it?
Volunteer: Yes, The UBPA is within Zone E, Puxi Site, adjacent to the Nanpu Bridge.
Visitor: Oh,also there…it’s the Expo Park. I prefer the parks above all others. Is it located
at the riverside?
Volunteer: The Expo Park is within Pudong Site, along the Huangpu River.
Visitor: Moreover, here are two squares, and I cannot lock their exact locations.
Volunteer: Let me see. Ah, this is the Theme Square, to the west of the Theme Pavilion. This is a
riverside Celebration Square, to the east of the Performance Center.
Visitor: Um…What’s the large parcel over there? Is it also the Expo Site? I’m a bit confused.
Volunteer: That’s the Expo Village, on the northeast part of Pudong Site. It will provide
accommodation and other services to support daily works and lives of the Expo staff of official participants.
Visitor: It appears to be a quite large Expo Site. I shall study the map carefully. Is it
convenient for walks?
Volunteer: It’s quite easy. The Elevated Pedestrians’ Walk may guide you to all pavilions.
Visitor: How could people walk across the river?
Volunteer: Take it easy, you can take the waterbus. Look, here is the dock square near the water
gate, where visitors can wait for the waterbus.
Visitor: It’s really worth expecting! Thank you very mach for your kind explanation!
Volunteer: That’s all right. It’s my pleasure. Wish you a happy and nice trip to the Expo!