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    生日聚会 (3) Birthday Party (3)


    RUTH: Hello, my name is Ruth and I'm happy to welcome you to another programme in the series 'Say It Again'. Each week I have a student here with me. Bela, welcome.

    BELA: Thank you, Ruth! It's good to be here. You said in our last programme that we'll be practising more polite phrases to use at a party. What else are we looking at today?

    RUTH: There's always a true story and today it's the story of Vera Torintina. Vera lives in a town in Russia. For many years, all Russian people were told that there was no God. Vera was 34 years old before she heard for the first time about the Christian God. She wanted to find out more about Him and had to save a lot of money before she could buy a Bible. Bela, as you listen to Vera's true story, you can hear how she found out more about what the Bible has to say about the living God. Vera's story is being read by Mary.

    Story Testimony

    I live in one of the cities in Russia, with my husband and two young children. Home life takes up much of my time but whenever it's possible, I love to read. I find all kinds of literature interesting; it doesn't matter whether it's a newspaper, journal or a book. One day, when I was about 34 years old, I heard for the first time about the living God and I learnt that I could read about Him in the Christian's Holy Book - the Bible. But where could I get one? There was no shop that I knew of that I could buy one, even if I could afford it.

    One day I was passing by a bookstore and the lady who was selling the books told me that she had a Bible. At that time, it wasn't acceptable to have a Bible, so she told me to come back later when there would be fewer people around. I put together all the money I had to meet the price she was asking. It was one of the most expensive things to buy - almost a month's salary. Then at lunchtime, I went to see the stallholder, hoping that she hasn't sold it to someone else. Again the lady told me to wait. She seemed to be afraid that someone might see it. She hasn't sold it. I handed over my money and she gave me my longed-for book.

    I was overjoyed to have a Bible for myself at last and I love to read it. Often I felt alone and thought that I was the only person who believed in God. Eventually I found others and we became firm friends. I was also able to start doing a bible correspondence course to help me learn more about this God that the Bible talks about. I'd thrown away all the things I used to read; now I have only the Bible and it brings me great joy and comfort. I treasured it more than anything else I owned.

    BELA: Vera's story was very interesting. Near the end, she said that she began a Bible correspondence course. Isn't this learning more about the Bible by writing answers to questions and sending them to someone who reads your answers and replies to your letters?

    RUTH: Yes, corresponding with someone is writing letters to them. Vera found out about a correspondence course that would help her learn more about the Bible and the Christian God.

    RUTH: Do you remember hearing this conversation between Grace and her brother Paul from our last programme?


    RUTH: It's Grace's birthday party! In our last 'Say It Again' programme, we looked at some polite phrases we could use at a party. Let me remind you of them. 'Come in! Come in!' Paul gave Bill this very warm greeting. Maybe they'd not seen each other for a long time. Bela, can you remember another phrase that Paul used. We heard it earlier.

    BELA: He said, 'It's good to see you!'

    RUTH: That's right. He also said, 'You look great!'

    RUTH: Grace's party wasn't a banquet. It was an informal party. Bela, do you know what 'informal' means?

    BELA: Does it mean more relaxed? Maybe Grace had a more simple party?

    RUTH: Yes! The guests didn't sit down at a table for a big meal. Paul and Grace prepared food that they could eat standing around talking to their friends. Can you remember any of the food they had to eat?

    BELA: Yes! There were pizzas, sausage rolls, open sandwiches and cans of coca cola.

    RUTH: Grace said, 'Take a plate everyone, and help yourself. There's plenty.' She was really saying - take what food you like, there's plenty of food for everyone. As we hear this drama again, listen out for all the polite phrases Grace and Paul used. Listen for the food that's mentioned. Also listen to Grace encouraging her guests to help themselves to the food.


    RUTH: Grace said, 'Don't be shy!' Bela, do you know why she said that?

    BELA: I would think it was because her guests didn't know each other. Or maybe as it was a party, everyone was being very polite and not eating the food.

    RUTH: Parties can be good fun, but it can take a lot of work from the host Paul and hostess Grace to make the guests at the party enjoy themselves. Greeting people at the door helps. It makes people feel comfortable. A party is a happy time. Grace keeps the party going by talking to people. Can you remember what she said to Bill?

    BELA: She asked Bill, 'How are you?' Also, 'When did you get home?'

    GRACE: Those questions need an answer. I imagine that Bill had been away for a while and Grace and Paul would have been interested in what he'd been doing.

    BELA: It sounded a super party. What a surprise for Grace at the end. Paul had brought her a beautiful birthday cake.

    RUTH: Yes, it's a custom here in England to put tiny candles onto a birthday cake. After people have sung 'Happy Birthday', the tradition is to blow the candles out with one big blow.

    RUTH: Bela, do you remember Grace asked Bill, 'How are you?' I'll repeat that question. Will you say it after me, Bela? 'How are you?'

    BELA: 'How are you?'

    RUTH: I'll now ask you that question. This time, you'll answer it for me. 'How are you, Bela?

    BELA: I am very well, thank you, Ruth.

    RUTH: If Bela had a cold or sore throat, she could say, 'I'm not feeling very well today, thank you.'

    RUTH: Another question Grace could have asked Bill was, 'Did you enjoy your trip?' I'll repeat this question then you can say it after me with Bela. 'Did you enjoy your trip?'

    BELA: 'Did you enjoy your trip?'

    RUTH: Bela, will you answer that question for us? Firstly, answer it as if you did enjoy your trip. Then as if you didn't. 'Bela, did you enjoy your trip?'

    BELA: 'Yes thank you, I did enjoy my trip.' If I didn't enjoy my trip, I would say, 'No! I didn't enjoy my trip. It was awful.'

    RUTH: The last question Grace asked was 'When did you get home?' I'll repeat that question again, why don't you say it after me with Bela? 'When did you get home?'

    BELA: 'When did you get home?'

    RUTH: Maybe Bill could've answered. 'I arrived home yesterday.' Or he could've said, 'I arrived home two days ago.' Bela, will you repeat my two answers?

    BELA: 'I arrived home yesterday.' 'I arrived home two days ago.'

    RUTH: It can be fun making up answers to questions. You could make it into a game with your friends. One of you could ask the questions while the others think up different answers. Why don't you try it? That's all we've time for today. Bela and I hope that you've enjoyed today's 'Say It Again' programme.

    BOTH: Goodbye.


      上一篇:再说一遍生日聚会2 下一篇:再说一遍英国精典古堡 Nostell Priory


