惊险的海洋故事2.3 女英雄 The Wreck of the Steamboat - A Young Heroine
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    2.3 女英雄 The Wreck of the Steamboat - A Young Heroine


    Grace, full of pity and anxiety for the wretched people on the wreck, forgot all toil and danger, and urged her father to launch the boat; she took one oar and her father the other; but Grace had never assisted in the boat before, and it was only by extreme exertion and the most determined courage that they succeeded in bringing the boat up to the rock, and rescuing nine of their fellow creatures from a watery grave, and with the help of the crew in returning, landed all safe at the light-house.

    Happy Grace Darling! She needed no other reward than the joy of her own heart and the warm thanks of those she had helped to deliver; but the news of the heroic deed soon spread, and wondering and admiring strangers came from far and near to see Grace and that lonely light-house. Nay more, they showered gifts upon her, and a public subscription was raised with a view of rewarding her bravery, to the amount of seven hundred pounds. She continued to live with her parents on their barren isles, finding happiness in her simple duties and in administering to their comfort, until her death, which took place little more than three years after the wreck of the Forfarshire steamer.


      上一篇:惊险的海洋故事2.2 沉船! The Wreck of the Steamboat - Wrecked! 下一篇:惊险的海洋故事惊险的海洋故事

