A little under a year ago I moved into this old style house by a highway. At first I loved the tight, cozy feeling of the place and didn't mind the draft that came under the doors. But after some time, I found the drafts make moaning noises more than peaceful whistles, the floorboards creak an irritating, and rather unnerving sound, and the cozy little walls to be suffocating.
I first noticed the "Presence" after a few nights in my room, and eventually began to grow accustomed to the ever- constant feeling of being watched in certain rooms of the house. When first moving in, I heard some stories about a family who lived here, or more about two family members lived AND died here. A Grandmother and her Grandson. Apparently, the grandson was left in the bathtub in the hall bathroom alone too long and drowned,(His bathroom is now My bathroom) and the Grandmother's place of death hasn't been specified but her bedroom is the one at the end of the hall with the bathroom in it. (My bedroom. O Joy!!)
I have explained that I feel that I am watched throughout the house, always feeling someone there keeping a close eye on me. But my most recent bathroom scare came about three months ago.
我第一次感到有“异物存在”是在我的房间里,随后就习惯了在这个屋子的某些房间里不时有被人窥视的感觉。刚搬来的时候,我听过之前住在这里的那家人的故事,准确地说是其中两个人即一位祖母和她的孙子死在这里的故事。那个孙子独自一个人洗澡,结果溺亡。(他的浴室现在就是我的浴室),那位祖母死的具体地点还不确定,但她的卧室就是走廊尽头那间我的浴室所在的房间。 (也就是我的卧室。我的天哪!)