Last night my granddad left me alone in the house again, the first time since Monday night’s incident. I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in the front room. I was really tired so went to bed about 9pm. I was woken by a loud banging noise around 2.15am. I sat bolt upright in my bed and noticed a tall dark figure standing at the bottom of my bed. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman and I couldn't see its face. I sat there for about 30 seconds looking at it, trying to calm myself down and trying to adjust my eyes to see if I could see the figure’s face, until I heard a loud bang downstairs again, I turned around towards the stairs but there was nothing and when I turned back to face the figure, it was gone. I jumped out of bed and turned the light on. I put my clothes on, ran out of my house and got a cab to my boyfriend’s house. I told my granddad what happened today and also told him I’d be moving out from today.
Whatever is in that house, it doesn't like me. Well it must not, my granddad has lived there for 24 years and nothing like this has ever happened. I can't explain it and I don't ever want to experience anything like that ever again.
Whatever is in that house, it doesn't like me. Well it must not, my granddad has lived there for 24 years and nothing like this has ever happened. I can't explain it and I don't ever want to experience anything like that ever again.