Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Here is our latest program, a humble effort offered to you in the hopes that you'll find something here that is worth your while, something that moves or inspires or motivates you in very positive ways. 欢迎收听Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。这里是我们最新的一期节目,希望你能在这里找到有价值,并能以积极的方式感动你,或启发或激励你的东西。 |
It's not easy... loving yourself unconditionally, because we've learned to judge ourselves... 全心全意爱自己,这并不容易,因为我们对自己总是很挑剔。 |
We seem to be driven to find what we perceive as "the mi
我们就像被驱使着要去寻找我们生活中“缺失的那部分”,似乎我们总有一些缺陷,或者总是做得不够好。然而,足够永远不会真正地足够,我们一直在不停地索取苛求,于是令我们自己身心疲惫不堪。 |
What we forget are the sweet moments of being present with ourselves like we are when watching a sunset. 我们忘却了那些当我们与心灵交汇时的美好时光,比如说当我们观望着日落时的那份美丽和宁静。 |
You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Today, I’m inviting you to take time to be present within yourself, dwell in your heart space, and give yourself a well deserved break from striving and struggling... 您正在收听到的是Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。现在我要邀请你抽些时间和你自己独处,回到你内心深处的那片宁静,从日常的纷扰繁琐中摆脱出来好好放松一下。 |
Just be in the present moment and allow yourself to stop searching for more and to notice how much you already have inside. 沉静在现在这个时刻,让自己停止索求更多,只是关注于你内心的丰富。 |
Everyday we’re preoccupied with obligations and responsibilities under great pre
每天我们被责任与义务包围着,并承受着来自别人和自己众多的压力,而我们真正忽视或忘记的却是我们自己。从今天开始,让我们去全心全意地爱自己。 |