English For Business
第十二课: 商务会谈
Lesson 12: A meeting
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听由澳大利亚的澳洲广播电台和维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES 共同为您编播制作的《商业英语教程》节目。我是澳广中文部的节目主持人马健媛。
Harvey: It’s Mrs Lee, Lian, who’s pushing to extend their distribution to Australia…
Victoria: Lok Lee just wants a holiday.
Douglas: Thanks, Victoria… Let’s hear Harvey out first.
Harvey: Their main purpose doesn’t seem to be for financial gain. Lian wants to expand to give her children more responsibility. She said they’re all ambitious and the business is too small for them as it is.
Douglas: So you’re saying that it’s family rather than money, that’s their main concern?
Harvey: It would seem so, primarily.
Douglas: Victoria, you have something to add?
Victoria: Yes. It’s their youngest son that Lian’s really worried about. He clashes with his older brother and he’s threatening to leave the estate for good.. Lian feels that if they go international, she’ll be giving him a chance to travel and keep him within the company…
Douglas: You’ve really done your homework, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you, Douglas. I did some research on the weekend.
Douglas: We’re running a little over time. Can we move on? Harvey, what would be the best approach?
道格拉斯: 我们的会议已经有些超过预定时间了。请抓紧点时间。哈维请给我们介绍最好的展示方案。
Harvey: Well, they’ll want to know how we’ll present their product. There’s not enough time to produce an advertising layout, so we’ve decided to show them what we did with Suki Tofu. Victoria and I have worked on an outline of how the presentation should go.
哈维: 好吧。他们两位希望了解我们会怎样展示他们的产品。现在已经没有足够的时间来制作一个广告的模板了,所以我们决定请他们看看我们为“素喜豆腐”所做的推广。维多利亚和我共同策划了一个展示方案。
Victoria: There’s a copy for each of you.
维多利亚: 这是给各位的复印件。
Caroline: Thank you.
卡罗琳: 谢谢。
Caroline: So what equipment will you need for your presentation?
卡罗琳: 那你们在展示时需要什么设备吗?
Victoria: A laptop of course and we’re going to use IT-FX. (spelt out: I-T-F-X)
维多利亚: 一台手提电脑是必须的了,另外我们还要使用 ITFX。(发音为: I T F X )
Douglas: Hmmm… Do you mind if I ask - what’s IT-FX?
道格拉斯: 呣,,,我可否问一下什么是 I T F X?
Harvey: It’s the latest visual software, it turns graphics into 3D, almost a hologram. Very impressive.
哈维: 这是一种最新的电脑展示软件,它可以将图表转换成三维图形,近似于全息图,令人印象深刻。
Douglas: Sounds good.
道格拉斯: 听起来很不错。
Douglas: We’re running a little over time. Can we move on?
道格拉斯: 我们的会议已经有些超过预定时间了。请抓紧点时间。
We’re pretty short of time. Can we look at the next item?
That’s fifteen minutes on this. Shall we move on?
We’re running a little over time. Can we move on?
We’re pretty short of time. Can we look at the next item?
That’s fifteen minutes on this. Shall we move on?
在这段对话中,道格拉斯不知道什么是 I T F X 软件,所以他向哈维和维多利亚提出了这个问题。在现实生活中,有很多人出于面子的原因可能不太愿意在大庭广众之下提出问题,其实我认为在工作上与其装懂,倒不如实事求是来得实在,您说对吗?所以就让我们跟着英语老师一起来练习一下如何就自己不懂的事情提出问题吧。我相信这些句型对您今后的工作一定会很有帮助的。
Could I ask a question?
What exactly do you mean by that?
Could you explain what that is?
第十二课: 商务会谈
Lesson 12: A meeting
Victoria: Can I say something here?
Douglas: Victoria.
道格拉斯: 维多利亚,请说吧。
Victoria: I think that we should also indicate that Lian’s son will be invited to our national conferences. It might be a selling point.
维多利亚: 我想我们应该表明会邀请丽安的儿子参加我们的全国性会议。这也许会是一个卖点。
Caroline: Yes, I agree, but perhaps don’t mention her son. That’s privileged information, isn’t it?
卡罗琳: 是,我同意。不过也许现在先不要谈及她的儿子吧,这不是我们自己内部得到的信息吗?
Victoria: Good point. Thanks, I’ll just say, “your representative”.
维多利亚: 你说得很对。谢谢。那我就简单地说‘邀请你们公司的代表’好了。
Douglas: Well, everything seems to be under control. Harvey and Victoria, you’ll give the presentation. Caroline, will you be there?
道格拉斯: 好吧,看起来每一件事情都在掌控之中了。哈维,维多利亚,演示的部份就交给你们了。卡罗琳,你会出席吗?
Caroline: Yes.
卡罗琳: 会的。
Douglas: I don’t see any need for me to come.
道格拉斯: 我想我就不必到场了吧?
Harvey: Excuse me, Douglas, but I’m not so sure about that. I think your absence might be considered a slight. Especially if they notice you’re still in your office.
哈维: 抱歉,道格拉斯。对于这一点我不太确定。我想你的缺席可能会被视为是对客人的怠慢,特别是如果他们知道你当时又在办公室里的话。
Douglas: You’ve got a point there, Harvey. We don’t want to cause offence. All right then. We seem to have covered everything. Thanks for your contributions. We can finish there.
道格拉斯: 哈维,你的话有道理。我们可不想冒犯客人,那好吧。我们大概已经讨论了所有议题了吧?谢谢各位的意见,我们可以散会了。
Victoria: I think that we should also indicate that Lian’s son will be invited to our national conferences.
维多利亚: 我想我们应该表明会邀请丽安的儿子参加我们的全国性会议。
Harvey: I think your absence might be considered a slight.
哈维: 我想你的缺席可能会被视为是对客人的怠慢。
您听出来了吗,哈维与维多利亚在开始表达自己的意见之前都使用了“ I think” 这个词组,意思就是“ 我想,,我认为,,”。 这是表达自己观点时最常用的一种开场白。具有同样功效的另外一个词组就是 “ In my opinion” ,中文的意思是“以我的观点看,,,”。好,现在就让我们跟着老师一起来练习我们在全部认同他人观点或部份认同时可以使用的一些句型。
Victoria: Good point.
维多利亚: 你说得很对。
Douglas: You’ve got a point there, Harvey.
道格拉斯: 哈维,你的话有道理
Yes, I agree, but perhaps don’t mention her son.
I see what you’re saying but…
To a certain extent I agree…
I think you’re right.
In my opinion, it’s too late.
Good point.
You’ve got a point there.
Yes, I agree but perhaps...
I see what you’re saying but…
To a certain extent I agree…
Harvey: Excuse me, Douglas, but I’m not so sure about that.
哈维: 抱歉,道格拉斯。对于这一点我不太确定。
在这里,哈维首先以 Excuse me, 这个短语来开场,以此表示客气,然后他就明确表示了自己的反对观点。毫无疑问,这是一种非常礼貌的表示不认同对方观点的方式。除了这个句型之外,您还可以使用下列短语:
I’m afraid I can’t agree.
I’m against that because…
I can’t support that because.
I’m afraid I can’t agree.
I’m against that because…
I can’t support that because.
Douglas: All right then. We seem to have covered everything. Thanks for your contributions. We can finish there.
道格拉斯: 那好吧。我们大概已经讨论了所有的议题了吧?谢谢各位的意见,我们可以散会了。
We seem to have covered everything.
Thanks for your contributions.
We can finish there.
I think it’s too late
I think it’s too late
I think it’s too late I do
Oh I agree
I agree
I agree with you.
I think it’s too late
I think it’s too late
I think it’s too late I do
Oh I agree
I agree
I agree with you.
各位听众朋友,《商业英语教程》的第十二课到这里就全部结束了,非常感谢您的收听。在第十三课中我们将开始学习一段新的对话内容,题目是 “ 商业展示”,欢迎您按时收听。
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