The man who played accordion in the dance band was once an accountant. He acquired a bachelor’s degree in accounting at a business college. Then he became an ace accountant and did his accountancy very well. His fame and wealth accrued quickly. But his boss accused him of lack of accuracy with acid words. The accused had no words to answer. All his acquaintances avoided him. His heart ached. He lost his job and the money he had accumulated soon ran out. His friend, who owned a factory that manufactured acetic acid and acetylene, introduced him to a dance band. They acquiesced to the newcomer. He wasn’t accustomed at first, but he would on no account lose confidence. He never accredited failure to his accursed fate. He continued to achieve his goal and his actions accorded with his determination. According to his skill, he became the most outstanding player in the band. Everybody acknowledged it was acoustic enjoyment to listen to his playing.