Lady Gaga had sex for the first time when she was a teenager, but it wasn't until much later that she started to enjoy her sex life.
She said: “I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 17. But I have to say even then I wasn’t ready and it was an absolutely terrible experience.
“It wasn’t good at all. I have never not had safe sex, I have always asked a guy to be tested and to use protection, which was always my rule. Otherwise you’re playing Russian Roulette.”
The 24-year-old hitmaker is presently dating bar owner Luc Carl, who she has known since she was 19. She says she didn’t enjoy sleeping with someone until much later and feels making love is a way of expressing “vulnerability.”
She added to Britain’s Grazia magazine: “I never actually enjoyed sex until two years ago. It was a proper monogamous relationship in which I felt free enough to trust and I had enough self love. Sex is the ultimate expression of vulnerability and for me it was important to know that it was a proper relationship so it was sex as a source of love and nothing else.”
In the past, Gaga has claimed she is bisexual as well as saying she believes if you have sex with people you are not love with they will ruin your "energy."
She said: "I have weird superstitions about sex. If you're not having sex with someone who really loves you they can screw up your energy.”
Lady Gaga最近又有惊人言论爆出,在接受英国杂志《Grazia》采访时,这位女歌手不仅大谈自己的“失身”经历,更表示对此曾经一度感到非常的糟糕。Lady Gaga说:“我在17岁的时候私尝禁果,不过那时候完全没有做好准备,以至于感觉非常的不好。不过每次‘行事’我都以安全第一,并且会做好安全措施,否则整件事就会像玩俄罗斯轮盘一样的危险。”
24岁的Gaga目前正与自己在19岁时所认识的男友Luc Carl热恋当中,她表示近两年以来才开始真正享受男女交欢之事,而其真正来源则是信任与自爱,她说:“性爱对于感情关系来说就像泉源一般,无可替代。”