Marvel's alternative horror comedy "Agatha All Along" premiered this week. As a spin-off of the classic series "WandaVision", "Agatha" not only perfectly inherits the retro aesthetics of the previous work, but also inherits the highly acclaimed black humor, madness, weirdness, and playfulness and weirdness, and has received rave reviews.
漫威(Marvel)另类恐怖喜剧《阿加莎》(Agatha All Along)本周重磅首播,作为经典影集《旺达幻视》(WandaVision)的衍生作品,《阿加莎》不仅完美继承前作的复古画面美学,更承袭备受赞誉的黑色幽默、疯魔诡谲、和俏皮古怪等作品元素,并迎来好评。
"Agatha" tells the story of the evil woman Agatha, played by Kathryn Hahn, who finds that she has lost her magic and forgotten her identity, and meets a mysterious Gothic boy who tries to help her get rid of the twisted curse.
Kathryn Hahn also personally commented a few days ago, "The witches in this play represent a group of people who are not accepted by society and are a little strange, trying to find the inner strength to overcome difficulties", and her superb performance is the finishing touch of the work. Some fans even said that Kathryn's acting skills are perfect, and this work is one of Marvel's most successful works.