It seems Kesha has taken a new approach to dying her hair, simply dipping the ends of her bleached blonde mop into blue dye。
The Tik Tok singer showed off her new look as she posed during a break from her world tour yesterday。
Kesha, who is in Sydney, posed in the Four Seasons in the city, matching her hair to her eye liner。
It seems Kesha has taken a new approach to dying her hair, simply dipping the ends of her bleached blonde mop into blue dye。
The Tik Tok singer showed off her new look as she posed during a break from her world tour yesterday。
Kesha, who is in Sydney, posed in the Four Seasons in the city, matching her hair to her eye liner。
And it seems her idea of attractive is quite distinctive。
The We R Who U R singer told the paper: 'The mullet is the new beard for me. I have a special place in my heart for the mullet.'
She also told how being on tour with her 'crazy' mum, Pebe, and younger brother, Louis, is helping to keep her grounded。
'It cuts all the bull**** when you have family around and my mum is just as crazy if not crazier than me。
'She's very entertaining - that seems to be the dominant gene in our family,' she said
“钱妞”Kesha会是下一个Lady GaGa?没错!她疯癫、夸张、赤裸的举止往往让人瞠目结舌,与GaGa相比有过之而无不及。
Kesha这次去澳洲是为好友蕾哈娜演唱会助阵的,可能最近比较钟情于蓝色,Kesha穿了件蓝色牛仔,甚至还画了蓝色眼影,并把发尾也染成了蓝色来搭配。不过这些都不如她的行为惹人注目。据英国媒体报道,演唱会当日Kesha带一神秘男子坐着嘉宾第一排,该男子是Kesha的绯闻男友 DJ卡尔文,两人从演唱会开始就打的火热,恨不得马上宽衣解带,当台上热火朝天时,两人在台下也似乎快要合为一体了;而后两人实在按捺不住,在演唱会进行中堂而皇之溜走,去畅快淋漓享受二人世界了。