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       13岁美国女孩Rebecca Black新单曲Black遭到了评论界的狂批,被认为达到了脑残歌曲的新境界(a whole new level of bad)。下面是引自Time的一篇评论,来看看究竟这首歌脑残在哪里吧:

       Amid all the real news, you might just have heard about the Internet's other weekend obsession: Rebecca Black and her hilariously dreadful video for "Friday".
       一个星期各种重大新闻,不过除了这些,你肯定也知道13岁的Rebecca Black那首新MV Friday,真是太脑残了!

       What makes this song and video so bad? Rebecca Black is an innocent-looking teen with a Selena Gomez-esque look. And "Friday" seems like a catchy pop song about a teenage girl's excitement over the weekend, which is pretty standard teen pop fare and not exactly a place you'd look for profound lyrics. But once you listen to the lyrics, you start to realize what a train wreck we're really dealing with.
       为什么说这首歌和这支MV很脑残呢?Rebecca也就是一个13岁的孩子,长得有点像Selena Gomez,这首Friday唱的不过是小女孩对周末的期待和兴奋之情,反正不指望这样的歌能有什么深刻的内涵了,但是你真的仔细去听歌词的话,绝对会惊呼一声:我去!这什么玩意啊!

       For starters, there's the opening verse, which is just a straight up narration of what Rebecca's morning routine consists of ("Gotta get down to the bus stop/ Gotta catch my bus/ I see my friends"). Then there's Rebecca's apparent obsession with choosing a spot in the car, which also adds the song's riveting central conflict ("Kicking in the front seat/Sitting in the back seat/ Gotta make my mind up/ Which seat can I take?"). But the song's lowest point (albeit its most hilarious) is when Rebecca literally just sings the days of the week ("Tomorrow is Saturday/ And Sunday comes afterwards").

       Yikes! Clearly, we're dealing with a whole new level of bad. According to Black Book, the song comes from a company called Ark Music Factory, which is based in L.A. and seems to specialize in teen girl pop music--their website has a whole roster of laughably bad teen pop videos.
       这是何等境界的脑残啊!据说这首歌由一家名为Ark Music Factory的厂牌提供,专门制造少女流行音乐的,他们的网站上全是很脑残的MV视频。

       It's not apparent if "Friday" was intended to be a parody of a pop song or not (we doubt it, though we really hope it was). After all, the video has already been viewed more than 2 million times; it's out there and it's a joke, whether that's how it was intended or not. And seeing how it's available as a ringtone and soon to be available on iTunes, we don't see it going away anytime soon. Sure, Rebecca Black won't be the next Miley Cyrus (though that's not a bad thing) but she could have a future in comedy.
       真希望这首歌只是对流行音乐的一个反讽,不过我们对此表示深切怀疑。不管怎么说这首歌现在红了,MV的观看量超过两百万,成为手机彩铃音乐,而且itunes上马上就会有得下了。可以肯定的是Rebecca不会成为下一个Miley Cyrus,她倒是可以考虑往谐星的方向发展。

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