导读:英国达人的舞台上从不缺少传奇,继之前某大叔油菜花的把儿歌歌词改成Snow Patrol 的Run的调调之后,海选赛区又出好手。年仅12岁的小盆友罗南·帕克一首Feeling Good技惊四座,High 翻全场,得到评委一致好评。
It's only the third week of auditions in this year's Britain's Got Talent - but it looks like the judges may have already found their winner.
Angelic schoolboy Ronan Parke was advised to 'not bother to go back to school' by Michael McIntyre after he wowed the audience at the London auditions.
The 12-year-old burst into tears when he was given three yesses after belting out a powerful rendition of Nina Simone's Feeling Good.
这个12岁的娃唱的是妮娜1西蒙的《Feeling Good》,演绎得很有力量。得到三个通过之后,他热泪盈眶。
He had taken the day off school to go the audition with his mother Maggie and father Trevor, who watched anxiously from the wings.
Despite Maggie's fears of how he would be received, the judges and the audience gave him a huge applause - making him one of the most popular acts so far this series.
Judge Michael McIntyre said: 'So you took a day off school... I wouldn’t bother going back. You’re a little star. You’ve taken a room and blown the roof off it… You’re the best we’ve seen so far.'
评论迈克·麦肯泰说,“你请了一天假哈,咱不用担心回学校的事儿。你是个小明星,你站在那一小块地方,唱到High翻全场…… 你是我们目前看见的最棒的。”
Guest judge Louis Walsh, who had stepped in on behalf of David Hasselhoff, said: 'I’m gonna predict really big things for you. You’re so good.'
Speaking after Ronan's audition, Walsh tipped the boy to be the breakout star of this series: 'He’s the one to beat. Little Ronan could be the winner.'