Naturally, a stop at a coffee shop demands nothing short of full on costume for Lady Gaga. The 25-year-old singer turned heads as she paid a visit to a local Starbucks in Los Angeles today, clad in a customary outlandish outfit. Never one to miss an opportunity for self-promotion, the star was wearing a Born This Way T-shirt - which also acted as a kind of skirt. Standing out: Lady Gaga arrived at a Starbucks in Los Angeles today wearing a customary outrageous outfit
She completed the look with sky high Christian Louboutin heels, black fishnet tights, a gold studded jacket and a standout red hat. The singer has currently on a promotional blitz promoting her new album, which rocketed to the top of the UK charts yesterday selling more copies than the rest of the Top 10 put together. With more than 215,000 records sold in the first week, her gravity-defying second album was the biggest mover for an album so far this year, the Official Charts Company said.
08年出道,短短3年的时间之内就席卷全球,成为全世界流行文化的“风向标”引领潮流和时尚的风潮,光是简简单单的这两个数字都显得十分惊人。嘎嘎小姐毫无疑问已经成为了当今流行乐坛的大姐大。即使屡次传出因巡回演唱会而在后台痛苦崩溃的嘎嘎小姐不管世态怎么变化依然坚持自己“特立独行”的个性,就连去买杯咖啡都“不忘记做自己”。据悉,日前流行乐坛大姐大嘎嘎小姐身穿带有“Born This Way (天生完美)”字样的T恤、脚踩鲁布托牌子十英寸高跟鞋、头戴小红帽前往洛杉矶的一家星巴克咖啡店喝咖啡,意在为自己的刚推出不久的同名新专辑打气。虽然风格简单,但是依旧挡不住的风头正劲的大牌趋势,让人不由感叹到,嘎嘎小姐红到发紫---就连普通的咖啡店“打歌服”都能登上头条新闻。据悉,嘎嘎小姐的新专辑刚登上英国销量排行榜的顶端,嘎嘎小姐的大碟《Born This Way天生完美》推出5天全球下载次数狂破百万,不仅重新设定音乐工业高门坎单曲销量,更空降美国冠军并蝉联六周之久。