英国27岁天才女歌手猝死 或因吸毒过量
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    British singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her flat in London on Saturday.

    The police said the reason for the 27-year-old singer's death is still "unexplained" and are now treating her flat as a crime scene.

    Sky News quoted a source saying Winehouse might die from a suspected drugs overdose.

    The singer had died before the paramedics arrived, said London Ambulance Services.

    Winehouse became an international star in 2007 with her five Grammys-winning album "Back to Black," which combined jazz, soul, rock and classic pop.

    Her health appeared fragile as she was taken to hospital and treated for injuries after fainting and falling at home once in 2008 and again in 2010.





    据悉,艾米出生于伦敦北路,父亲是出租车司机,母亲是药剂师,2003年发行了首张专辑《Frank》,2008年,她的第二张专辑《Back To Black》发行了。这张让她声名大噪的专辑,不仅在英国横扫各大颁奖典礼,并摘得五项格莱美大奖,包括最佳流行女歌手、最佳新人等。 

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