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    Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine again for Deadpool: I lied to myself


    Hugh Jackman announced that he would no longer play Wolverine when filming "Logan" in 2017, but later regretted it and returned to play it again. He smiled bitterly and said, "I even lied to myself back then." As for whether he would play Wolverine again in the future, he smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later." Now he just hopes that fans can enjoy "Deadpool and Wolverine".


    The soundtrack of the movie was also launched on the music streaming platform last weekend, continuing the classic golden style of the first two episodes, including the classic lyrical song "Only You", the powerful song "Bye Bye Bye" of the new good boy, and even the theme song "The Greatest Show" of Hugh Jackman's blockbuster movie "The Greatest Showman", which makes people look forward to what surprises the feature film will have.

    电影原声带歌单也于上周末在音乐串流平台上架,延续前两集跳tone又怀旧的经典金曲风,包括经典抒情歌曲「Only You」、新好男孩的劲歌「Bye Bye Bye」,甚至还有休杰克曼的卖座强片「大娱乐家」主题曲「The Greatest Show」,让人更期待正片电影还会有什么惊喜。

    "Deadpool and Wolverine" received great success after its premiere. Not only did some media say that "Marvel is about to make a comeback", but they also praised the large number of action stunts in the film, "the blood was sprayed at the beginning, and there was no doubt that the scale was downgraded." The combination of the two big male stars showed their skills, and the unrestrained verbal attacks made this film completely different from previous Marvel movies. Many viewers who have watched the movie also kindly reminded that the film has many surprise Easter eggs and many unexpected big-name cameos. The movie will be released on July 24.

    「死侍与金钢狼」首映后获得佳绩,不仅有媒体直言「漫威即将东山再起」,并夸赞片中大量的动作特技场面,「一开场就狂喷血浆,完全没有尺度降级的疑虑」 ,透过2大男星合体大展身手,再加上口无遮拦的嘴炮互呛,让这部完全不同于以往的漫威电影,亦有不少看过电影的观众贴心提醒,全片有让人惊呼连连的彩蛋,也有许多意想不到的大牌客串。电影将于7月24日上映。


      上一篇:娱乐英语-阅读材料:詹姆斯将担任巴黎奥运会开幕式美国男旗手 下一篇:娱乐英语-阅读材料:夏洛特公主也追星泰勒丝


