Lesson Introduction
Buying medicine can be frustrating when everything's in English. Today's podcast offers you many useful medicine related vocabulary that will make your life easier next time you're at the pharmacy. However, please be careful about what you ask for.
A: Hello sir, how can I help you?
B: Yes, I need this prescription please.
A: Let’s see. Okay, so 50 mg of Prozac, would you prefer this in capsule or tablet?
B: Capsules are fine.
A: Okay, you should take 1 capsule 3 times a day.
Be sure not to take it on an empty stomach, and also, don’t ever mix it with alcohol!
B: Yes, I know. It’s not the first time I’m taking this! Don’t worry, I won’t overdose!
A: Okay, anything else I can get you?
B: Oh, yes, I almost forgot! Can I also get some eye drops and um, some condoms?
A: Sure. Darn condoms aren’t registered in our system.
B: Oh, well that’s okay, I’ll get some later, thanks... Really it’s no problem.
A: Just hang on there a sec. Can I get a price check on ” Fun Times Ribbed Condoms” please!
prescription a list of drugs written by doctor
milligram a unit for measuring weight
capsule (drug) contained in a plastic container
tablet (drug) formed in round hard shape
overdose take more drugs than suggested
eye drop liquid used to drop into eyes to treat eye diseases
hang on hold on
get a price check type in the number of something to check it’s price
syringe a device made of a hollow tube and a needle that is used to force fluids into or take fluids out of the body
cough syrup a usually sweet liquid that contains medicine used to stop coughing —called also cough medicine
bandage a covering (such as a strip of cloth) that protects or supports part of the body that has been hurt
hydrogen peroxide a liquid that is used to make things lighter in color or to kill bacteria a smooth substance
ointment that is rubbed on the skin to help heal a wound or to reduce pain or discomfort