Lesson Introduction
Always wanted a fancy hair cut? Well, today's podcast is all about how to give instructions to your hair stylist. You'll also learn some useful English vocabulary to describe someone's hair. Just make sure your hairdresser is trustworthy or you might end up with an unexpected hair cut!
A: Hello there! Come on in! Don’t just stand there!Come and take a seat!
B: Um, okay. Well, I just want a trim. Nothing too fancy.
A: Oh my gosh! Your hair is amazing! So silky, so shiny! I am going to work my magic on your hair!You hear me? You are going to look like a million bucks!
B: Okay. Um... can you make sure my sideburns are even and you just take a little off the top.
A: Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of everything! (starts cutting) Oh my god! I just love your curly hair! It’s so fluffy and cute! You should totally let it grow out. An afro would look great on you!
B: Um... no.
A: Okay, but you are going to be my masterpiece!
Don’t just stand there Do something. An action is required
take a seat choose a place to sit
trim a short cut of hair to make one look clean
fancy very fashionable
silky resembling silk, very smooth
shiny having a smooth and bright appearance
a million bucks Very good. To look great
sideburns hair that grows on the sides of man
curly hair in form of round shape
fluffy soft
grow out grow long
afro a kind of hairstyle which very curly hair is formed into round ball
buzz cut a type of hairstyle where the hair is cut very short with an electric razor
Mohawk a hairstyle which consists of shaving both sides of the head, leaving a strip of noticeably longer hair on top
flat top a type of hairstyle where the hair on top is left a bit long and styled upwards, resulting in square looking haircut
pony tail in which most or all of the hair on the head is pulled away from the face, gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie or clip and allowed to hang freely from that point
braid formed by intertwining three or more strands of hair so that the result is similar to a woven textile.