A : What’s wrong with you? Why are you scratching so much?
B : I feel itchy! I can’t stand it anymore! I think I may be coming down with something. I feel lightheaded and weak.
A : Let me have a look. Whoa! Get away from me!
B : What’s wrong?
A: I think you have chicken pox! You are contagious! Get away! Don’t breathe on me!
B : Maybe it’s just a rash or an allergy! We can’t be sure until I see a doctor.
A : Well in the meantime you are a biohazard! I didn’t get it when I was a kid and I’ve heard that you can even die if you get it as an adult!
B: Are you serious? You always blow things out of proportion. In any case, I think I’ll go take an oatmeal bath.
scratch vt. 抓;挠,搔
He scratched the insect bite on his leg (with his nails).
itchy a. 痒的
I must have been bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy.
come down with (something) 生病,染上……病
lightheaded a. 头昏眼花的
chicken pox n. 水痘
contagious a.(有)传染性的
rash n. 皮疹
allergy n. 过敏症
in the meantime与此同时
biohazard n. 生物危害
blow (something) out of proportion 夸大某事
flu n.流感
cold n.感冒
fever n. 发烧
nauseous a.恶心的
allergic a.过敏的
A : 你怎么了?为什么一直在搔。
B : 我感到很痒,我再也无法忍受了。我想我肯定是得了某种病,我感到头昏、无力。
A: 让我看看。天哪!离我远点!
B : 怎么了?
A: 我想你得了水痘。那是有传染性的。离我远点,别对着我呼气。
B : 也许只是皮疹或过敏症。等看完病才能知道。
A: 同时,你会带来生物危害。我小时候没得 水痘,我听说即使是大人得了水痘也可能死掉。
B : 真的吗?你总是夸大其词。无论怎么样,我想我都会去洗个燕麦片浴。