Ed : Hey, Mary, can you cut that out?
Mary : Cut what out I’m not doing anything.
Ed : The tapping of your pen on your desk. It’s driving me crazy.
Mary :Fine! By the way would you mind not slurping your coffee every time you have a cup!
Ed : I don’t slurp my coffee. And plus, how can you hear it when you’re shouting into your phone all the time?
Mary :You ’ve got to be kidding me! You’re complaining about me talking on the phone when you go out for a cigarette break ten times a day to shoot the breeze?
Ed : Look, we have a lot of accumulated anger from working in these conditions, and it’s probably okay to let off steam once in a while . But, it’s probably not a good idea to keep it up I’m willing to forgive and forget and if you are.
Mary : Fine. Let's call a truce. I'll try to more considerate and to keep the noise down.
Ed: Yeah, I’ll try to do the same. So, I was wondering you wanna go out to dinner Friday night?
cut that out 让某人停止做某事
slurp vt. 出声地喝
You’ve got to be kidding me 你一定是在和我开玩笑。
shoot the breeze 聊天
accumulated adj. 累积的
let off steam发脾气
keep up 继续,(状态)持续
forgive and forget不念旧恶
call a truce 停止争吵
considerate a. 体谅的,体贴的
Ed: 你好,玛丽,你能停下来吗?
Mary: 我什么都没做。
Ed: 你总是用笔敲桌子,那快把我逼疯了。
Mary :好吧。随便说一句,以后你喝咖啡时不要发出声音。
Ed :我没发出声音。而且当你一直冲着电话喊叫时你怎么能听见呢?
Mary :你一定是在开玩笑。你抱怨我冲着电话大声喊,那你为什么一天总是出去抽烟或是聊天呢?
Ed :在这种状态下我们积累了很多积怨,一时发泄出来是可以的,但是总是怀恨在心可不好。如果你不计较那些我也不会去计较。
Mary: 好的,让我们停止争吵。我会试着多体谅你,减少噪音。
Ed: 好吧,我赞同。我在想周五晚上我们一起去吃晚饭怎么样?