Jim: Argh...I feel terrible, I keep sneezing and my eyes are all watery, what's wrong with me? 啊,我感觉很糟糕,我一直在打喷嚏,眼睛也泪汪汪的,我怎么了?
Tom: Wow, you're not dying are you, it looks like you have a cold, you should take some medicine.哇,你有没有怎么样,看上去你只是感冒了,你应该吃点药。
Jim: I don't think it's a cold, I feel fine if I move a few feet away from my desk. 我不觉得这是感冒,我感觉如果我离开桌边我会好些。
Tom: Maybe we should put you into quarantine, ha ha, jokes aside, I think you might have anallergy. 我觉得你应该被隔离起来,哈哈,说着玩呢。我想你可能是过敏了。
Jim: An allergy? I never thought about that, I don't think I'm allergic to pollen though and I'mdesensitized to bee stings after being stung so many times, Hmm. . . 过敏?我没有想过这个,尽管我被蜜蜂叮过很多次,可是我对蜜蜂已经没有感觉了,我应该对花粉不过过敏的。
Jim: Ow! Why did you chuck that peanut at me? 你为什么拿着花生在我面前晃悠?
Tom: Just checking if you're allergic to peanuts, I guess not. 就是想知道你是不是对花生过敏,我想不过敏。
Jim: Not funny! I could have gone into Anaphylactic Shock. 别玩了!我可能会过敏性休克的。
Tom: Okay, my bad, how about dust? This office is full of it. 好的,我的错,那灰尘呢,办公室里都是灰尘。
Jim: Yes the whole is office is dusty yet I only feel affected near our desks! 是的,整个办公室都是灰尘,但是我只觉得在我们桌子旁不舒服!
Cat: Meow meow meow. 喵喵喵。
Jim: You brought your cat into the office?! 你把你的猫带到办公室来啦?!
Tom: Yes, it's Mr Snuffle's birthday today, I didn't want him to be alone on his special day! 是的,今天是打喷嚏先生的生日,我不希望他在他特别的这天感到孤单!
Jim: ACHOO! Argh, put it away, ACHOO! 阿嚏!啊,把它拿开,阿嚏!
Tom: I guess we found the problem, your allergic to cats! 我想我找到原因了,你对猫过敏!
desensitize vt. 使不敏感;使麻木不仁
anaphylactic adj. 过敏的;[医] 过敏性的;导致过敏的
Tom: Wow, you're not dying are you, it looks like you have a cold, you should take some medicine.哇,你有没有怎么样,看上去你只是感冒了,你应该吃点药。
Jim: I don't think it's a cold, I feel fine if I move a few feet away from my desk. 我不觉得这是感冒,我感觉如果我离开桌边我会好些。
Tom: Maybe we should put you into quarantine, ha ha, jokes aside, I think you might have anallergy. 我觉得你应该被隔离起来,哈哈,说着玩呢。我想你可能是过敏了。
Jim: An allergy? I never thought about that, I don't think I'm allergic to pollen though and I'mdesensitized to bee stings after being stung so many times, Hmm. . . 过敏?我没有想过这个,尽管我被蜜蜂叮过很多次,可是我对蜜蜂已经没有感觉了,我应该对花粉不过过敏的。
Jim: Ow! Why did you chuck that peanut at me? 你为什么拿着花生在我面前晃悠?
Tom: Just checking if you're allergic to peanuts, I guess not. 就是想知道你是不是对花生过敏,我想不过敏。
Jim: Not funny! I could have gone into Anaphylactic Shock. 别玩了!我可能会过敏性休克的。
Tom: Okay, my bad, how about dust? This office is full of it. 好的,我的错,那灰尘呢,办公室里都是灰尘。
Jim: Yes the whole is office is dusty yet I only feel affected near our desks! 是的,整个办公室都是灰尘,但是我只觉得在我们桌子旁不舒服!
Cat: Meow meow meow. 喵喵喵。
Jim: You brought your cat into the office?! 你把你的猫带到办公室来啦?!
Tom: Yes, it's Mr Snuffle's birthday today, I didn't want him to be alone on his special day! 是的,今天是打喷嚏先生的生日,我不希望他在他特别的这天感到孤单!
Jim: ACHOO! Argh, put it away, ACHOO! 阿嚏!啊,把它拿开,阿嚏!
Tom: I guess we found the problem, your allergic to cats! 我想我找到原因了,你对猫过敏!
desensitize vt. 使不敏感;使麻木不仁
anaphylactic adj. 过敏的;[医] 过敏性的;导致过敏的