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    As Seen on TV, a Medical Mystery Involving Hip Implants Is Solved


    By a strange coincidence, two leading medical journals on Thursday published case studies of the same arcane medical mystery. In one, doctors solved the riddle only after the patient, a middle-aged woman, got so sick she had to have a heart transplant. But in the other, a physician who teaches at the University of Marburg in Germany found the clues in Season 7, Episode 11, of the Fox television show “House.”

    上周四,两份主要的医学期刊出于某种离奇的巧合,刊发了两篇关注同一种医学谜题的病例研讨。在一个病例中,医生们是在中年女病人病情严重,需要接受心脏移植后,才得以解决迷团。而在另一个病例中,一位在德国马尔堡大学(University of Marburg)执教的医生从福克斯电视台(Fox)剧集《豪斯医生》(House)第7季第11集中得到了线索。

    It turned out that Dr. Gregory House, the cantankerous, fictional diagnostician modeled on Sherlock Holmes, had used his powers of deduction to diagnose the very same ailment in a woman played by the actress Candice Bergen on an episode that first aired in 2011.

    剧中的格里高利·豪斯(Gregory House)是位以夏洛克·福尔摩斯为原型的诊断专家,为人刁钻,在2011年首播的这集电视剧中,他通过排除法为一位由坎迪斯·伯根(Candice Bergen)饰演的女病人确诊病情,而德国的这位医生发现,他的病人患上的恰恰是同一种疾病。

    In this case of life imitating art — or at least television — a paper in The Lancet, a London-based medical publication, described how an ailing man in Germany had gone from doctor to doctor, seeking a diagnosis as his condition worsened.

    这篇发表在《柳叶刀》(The Lancet,总部设在伦敦的医学期刊)的报告讲述了一个现实生活效仿艺术——或者说是电视——的病例:一位德国男性病人遍寻名医,病情不断恶化,却迟迟得不到确诊。

    His problems began about three years ago. He had low thyroid hormone levels, inflammation of his esophagus and fever of unknown origin. His loss of vision was so profound he was almost blind, and his loss of hearing so severe he was almost deaf. Most perilous of all, his heart had weakened so much it could not pump hard enough to supply blood to his body.


    Heart failure usually follows coronary artery disease, but this man’s arteries were fine. Doctor after doctor was stumped.


    Finally, in May 2012, the man, then 55, arrived at a University of Marburg clinic run by Dr. Juergen R. Schaefer, who specializes in puzzling cases and happens to be a major fan of “House.” In fact, Dr. Schaefer uses “House” in teaching medicine, and he realized his patient’s symptoms were eerily similar to those of Ms. Bergen’s character on the show. In that episode, she, too, had heart failure. Dr. House’s diagnosis: cobalt poisoning from her artificial metal hip.

    终于,到了2012年5月,这位当时55岁的男性病人来到马尔堡大学诊所,诊所主管是擅长解决疑难杂症的于尔根·舍费尔(Juergen R. Schaefer)医生,而他碰巧是《豪斯医生》的忠实粉丝,甚至在平时教授医学课时会拿这部电视剧为教材。他意识到病人的症状跟剧集中伯根女士扮演的角色像得出奇。在这一集中,她同样出现了心脏衰竭。而豪斯医生的诊断是:由人造金属髋关节而引发的钴中毒。

    Dr. Schaefer’s patient had had an artificial ceramic hip that failed, and it was replaced with a metal one in November 2010, shortly before his symptoms began. So Dr. Schaefer tested the man’s cobalt level and discovered it was a thousand times the level considered normal.


    A scan showed the metal in his hip was eroded. The reason, Dr. Schaefer speculated, was that when the man’s doctor removed the broken ceramic hip, he inadvertently left behind tiny particles of ceramic. Those particles, Dr. Schaefer said, acted like sandpaper: “You destroy the metal part with each movement.”


    The man had his metal hip replaced with another ceramic one, after which his cobalt level plunged. His heart function improved, but he still needed a defibrillator implanted. His fever and esophagus problems went away. But his hearing and eyesight barely got any better.


    Needless to say, the doctors in the other case, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, had not seen that episode of “House.”

    不消说你应该也能猜得出,发表于《新英格兰医学期刊》(The New England Journal of Medicine)的另一个病例,主管医生们没看过《豪斯医生》剧集。

    The patient, a woman in Denver who asked not to be named to protect her privacy, said she began feeling ill on a vacation in Hawaii a few years ago.


    “I was tired all the time,” she said. When she returned from her travels, she discovered she had gained 10 pounds on her 4-foot-10, 95-pound frame, for no apparent reason. Her abdomen was swollen, as were her arms and legs.


    Her doctor ordered a CT scan, which showed fluid accumulating around her heart. He drained the fluid, but she still felt ill. Normally, someone with such a condition, cardiomyopathy, has an enlarged heart, but hers was a normal size.


    “It was kind of a puzzle to my first cardiologist,” she said.


    By 2011, her heart was failing. She went to the Anschutz Medical Campus of the University of Colorado, Denver, where her doctor, Larry A. Allen, a heart failure and transplant specialist, confessed he was baffled.

    到了2011年,她的心脏快不行了。她去了位于丹佛的科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)的安舒茨医学院,这次她的医生是心脏衰竭和移植权威拉里·亚伦(Larry A. Allen),他承认,自己当时完全没招了。

    “We did a work-up looking at possible causes and even rare causes,” he said. “Nothing showed up.”


    On Sept. 10, 2011, she underwent a heart transplant.


    Sometime later, the orthopedist who had replaced her hips with metal implants took some routine blood tests and found something curious. Her cobalt level was more than 300 times normal. Cobalt poisoning can seriously damage organs, particularly the heart. The cause of her problems was suddenly clear.


    About a year after her heart transplant, she had both artificial hips replaced with ones that had a polyethylene liner. Her postoperative course was rocky, but her cobalt level declined.


    “I have much of my old energy back,” she said in an interview.


    In their article describing the case, Dr. Allen and his colleagues wrote that cobalt poisoning was first described in the 1960s in people who had been drinking beer that had foam stabilizers that contained cobalt.


    But its link to metal-on-metal hip implants leaves questions, they said. Their patient had nothing obviously wrong with her prosthetic hips. And, Dr. Allen said, “literally tens of thousands of people had these hips without her problems.”


    But Dr. Allen said the patient’s case was a good reminder. However rare cobalt poisoning might be, it is something to consider when people with metal-on-metal hip implants have symptoms suggestive of it.


    And, yes, he said, maybe if he had just seen Dr. House in action he would have considered it.


    “Unfortunately,” he said, “I have seen about two half-episodes of ‘House.’ ”


      上一篇:《绿箭侠》第二季剧透:谁会回来? 下一篇:美剧推荐:2014-2015将推出衍生剧的美剧


