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    A Conversation With Steven Moffat, a ‘Sherlock’ Co-Creator


    Steven Moffat is the co-creator of the BBC hit “Sherlock” and the lead writer and executive producer of “Doctor Who,” the classic sci-fi series about a time-traveling alien that celebrated its 50th anniversary in November. He also created, in 2000, “Coupling,” a saucy sitcom about the sexual misadventures of 30-something Londoners that was based loosely on his marriage to the television producer Sue Vertue. All this makes the 52-year-old Scotsman one of the most influential figures in British television, and also a target for legions of fans who bombard the Internet with theories about how Holmes could have possibly faked his suicide or whether a woman should play the next Doctor. “It’s very dangerous for me to venture onto social media,” Mr. Moffat said by phone from London.

    斯蒂芬·莫法特(Steven Moffat)是BBC热门电视连续剧《神探夏洛克》的主创人员之一,也是英国经典科幻剧《神秘博士》的首席编剧和执行制片人。《神秘博士》的主角是一位能做时间旅行的外星人,该剧于去年11月庆祝了开播50周年。莫法特在2000年创作出了《冤家成双对》(Coupling)。该剧是一部大胆俏皮的情景喜剧,松散地基于莫法特自己和电视制片人苏·维特(Sue Vertue)的婚姻生活,讲述了几对30多岁伦敦人运气不佳的性经历。这些履历使这位52岁的苏格兰人成为英国电视业最有影响力的人物。他也是千万粉丝的关注对象。这些粉丝在互联网上热烈讨论关于福尔摩斯如何假装自杀的各种猜测,或者是否应该由一位女性出演下一位神秘博士。“我要涉足社交媒体的话还真得多加小心,”莫法特在伦敦接受电话采访时说。

    The new season of “Sherlock,” which already aired in Britain, makes its American debut this Sunday on PBS. (In most other countries, the show will be broadcast this month as well; check local listings for dates and times. The series is already available on iTunes in Britain and will soon be made available globally on that service.) In the following edited interview, Mr. Moffat talks about the future of the series, why some shows perform better than others abroad and why the word “risk” should never be used to describe television.


    Q. About a third of the national television audience — or about 8.8 million Britons — tuned in to the season finale of “Sherlock.” That level of success must be pretty startling for you, especially for a series you conceived as a “vanity project.”


    A. In fairness, anyone short of a psychopath would be surprised at this level of success — it’s huge. But yes, “Sherlock” hardly sounded like a formula for a massive ratings success. We expected it would be a snob hit: the audience would be 2 to 3 million, and we’d get some good reviews. And that would have done us fine.


    Q. How do you account for the show’s popularity?


    A. We got hold of Benedict Cumberbatch just when he was about to catch fire. And then Martin Freeman — he was already an incredibly beloved actor in this country for his work on “The Office” — but, suddenly, he and Benedict were just at a whole different level. There was this point when [the “Sherlock” co-creator] Mark Gatiss and I were wandering along and a bus drew past with Martin Freeman’s face on it from “The Hobbit.” And on the bus shelter was a picture of Benedict in “Star Trek.” And we’re thinking, “Those are the stars of our show.”

    答:我们在本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)刚要大红大紫前签定了他。还有马丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman),在英国他因为在《办公室》(The Office)里的角色,已经是一个非常受观众喜爱的演员了。但是,一夜之间,他和本尼迪克特的名气达到了一个新的高度。有一阵,我和马克·盖提斯(Mark Gatiss,《夏洛克》的另一位主创者)在街头逛荡,会有一辆大巴从我们身边驶过,车身上印有马丁·弗里曼在《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)里造型的广告。而大巴车站里则贴着本尼迪克特在《星际迷航》(Star Trek)里的海报。我们不禁想到:“这两位可是我们剧里的明星啊。”

    Q. Your first series, “Press Gang,” was a children’s show about a school newspaper. And you had actually worked as a schoolteacher before going into television. How did that inform your work?

    问:你的第一部电视连续剧《少年报社》(Press Gang)是给青少年看的,讲的是一份校报的故事。在涉足电视业前,你本人也真的当过学校老师。这段教学经历对你以后的工作有什么启发吗?

    A. I think teaching informed my writing career very much in that I was very keen to stop being a teacher and become a writer.


    Q. Why do you think “Sherlock” has become such a sensation in the United States while “Doctor Who,” despite its obvious longevity, is perhaps less appreciated there? Why do some shows travel better than others?


    A. I’m actually not sure. People who watch television don’t mind cultural differences. If I’m going to watch an American TV show, I want it to be American. I don’t want there to be British characters just put in for me. At one point they put a British character onto “The West Wing” and it was cringe-makingly terrible. So we don’t mind other being other. But it is always true, if you look at the ratings, that locally produced stuff outperforms imported stuff. At the end, we do have a pretty hardwired preference for our own produce, which is probably quite sensible.


    Q. What did you learn from the experience of trying to translate your BBC show “Coupling” into an American primetime sitcom for NBC? It was canceled after four episodes.


    A. I learned not to work in America. I say that slightly facetiously, but, truthfully, I’m British, what is the point of me going to try to make it somewhere else? Does anybody actually like working in that L.A. world?


    Q. Unlike some show-runners, you apparently don’t take the opinions of fans into account when writing storylines.


    A. That’s not how you tell a story. You don’t tell a story by asking the audience to tell it themselves.


    Q. Do you think that there’s a lot of crossover in terms of “Sherlock” and “Downton Abbey” fans?


    A. Certainly in Britain I would not think they have much of a similar audience. Sherlock is quite genre — mystery, thriller — and “Downton Abbey” is a sort of soap. But when you add, I suppose, American anglophiles just wanting to hear the accents, maybe that changes a bit.


    Q. Do you think storytelling on TV has become more innovative?


    A. Why is that the objective? “Hamlet” is a rewrite of a different play, actually several different ones. It’s not very innovative. It is terribly good. You can be innovative and crap. People talk about taking risks, but I can’t think of when I ever have. If someone came to you and pitched something and said, “It’s a terrible risk,” you’d kick him out. If you got on a plane, and the pilot says, “I’m going to fly pretty riskily today,” you’d get off the plane pretty bloody fast. When you got a great idea for a TV series, you might turn out to be humiliatingly wrong — in fact eight times out of 10, you will turn out to be humiliatingly wrong — but you don’t think it’s a risk. You think it’s brilliant!


    Q. Some of your earlier series — “Joking Apart,” which was based on your first marriage and divorce, and “Coupling,” which you once described as “my life told by a drunk“ — were intensely personal. Has your work become less personal since then?

    问:你创作的一些早期的电视剧跟你的私生活非常贴近。比如《玩笑之外》(Joking Apart),是基于你的第一次婚姻和离婚;你有一次说《冤家成双对》就是由一个醉汉讲述的你的个人故事。你之后的作品是不是不那么个人化了?

    A. Writing is always personal. You’re writing what you would want to watch. You are writing your personal obsessions and hoping that people will share them. I grew up as a “Doctor Who” and Sherlock Holmes fan, and I’m now running “Doctor Who” and Sherlock Holmes, so that’s pretty personal, too. But there’s not a lot of autobiography in it because I’m neither a time-traveler nor a detective.


    Q. Apparently you’ve already sketched out Seasons 4 and 5 of “Sherlock”?


    A. We’ve worked out what we want to do. But it wasn’t very professional, we didn’t schedule a meeting or anything. It was just enthusiasm. Like fan boys, we got excited about what we could do next with Sherlock Holmes.


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