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    ‘12 Years a Slave’ Claims Best Picture Oscar


    In a triumph long deferred, ‘’12 Years a Slave” won the best picture Oscar at the 86th Academy Awards on Sunday night, for the first time conferring Hollywood’s top honor on the work of a black director.

    经过漫长的等待,《为奴十二年》(12 Years a Slave)终于在周日夜晚赢得了第86届奥斯卡学院奖最佳影片奖,这是好莱坞第一次把最高荣誉授予黑人导演的作品。

    “I’d like to thank this amazing story,” said Steve McQueen, the British-born filmmaker who grasped a prize that has eluded African-American directors and their movies since the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave its first Oscars in 1929.

    “我想感谢这个精彩的故事,”英国出生的电影导演史蒂夫·麦昆(Steve McQueen)在领奖时说。自从1929年美国电影艺术与科学学院开始颁发奥斯卡奖以来,还从未有非裔美国导演或他们执导的电影获此殊荣。


    “12 Years a Slave” won for best picture.


    “Everyone deserves not just to survive, but to live,” said Mr. McQueen, who dedicated the film to those who had endured slavery, both in the past and in the present.


    Only minutes before, Mr. McQueen had been overlooked for the directing award, which went to Alfonso Cuarón for “Gravity,” a 3-D blockbuster whose story of survival in space had been locked with Mr. McQueen’s film and David O. Russell’s “American Hustle” in a ferocious contest for the best picture statuette.

    就在领奖几分钟之前,麦昆刚刚与最佳导演奖失之交臂,该荣誉由《地心引力》(Cravity)的导演阿方索·卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón)获得。《地心引力》是一部3D大片,讲述了一个在太空中求生的故事,在最佳影片奖项中亦与麦昆的影片和大卫·O·拉塞尔(David O. Russell)的《美国骗局》(American Hustle)展开激烈角逐。

    In the end, Fox Searchlight, which distributed “12 Years a Slave,” about a 19th-century man, Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped into slavery, carried the day with the help of an advertising slogan that reminded Oscar voters of their chance to make history. “It’s time,” said the ads.

    福克斯探照灯(Fox Searchlight)公司发行的这部《为奴十二年》讲述了生活在19世纪的所罗门·诺萨普(Solomon Northup)被绑架为奴的故事。公司的一则广告口号提醒奥斯卡投票者们,这是他们创造历史的良机,从而也帮助这部影片在今天大获全胜。“是时候了,” 这则广告说。

    The best actress award went to Cate Blanchett for “Blue Jasmine,” despite a late-season challenge by Dylan Farrow, who publicly wrote that its director Woody Allen and his films should be shunned because he had, by her account, sexually molested her as a child. Mr. Allen, her adoptive father, has strongly challenged the charge.

    凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)凭她在《蓝色茉莉》(Blue Jasmine)中的角色获得最佳女主角奖。前不久迪兰·法罗(Dylan Farrow)发表公开信,声称该片导演伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)在她童年时对她有性骚扰行为,认为他和他的片子都不应被授予奖项,尽管如此,布兰切特还是获得了这项大奖。法罗的继父伍迪·艾伦强烈反对这项指控。

    “Thank you so much, Woody, for casting me,” said Ms. Blanchett, who never mentioned the blowup, but made a point of thanking Mr. Allen for using “Blue Jasmine” to tell a woman’s story.


    Jennifer Lawrence followed minutes later to present the best actor award to Matthew McConaughey for “Dallas Buyers Club.” “Why are you laughing?” Ms. Lawrence challenged the audience, which has come to expect a trip, fall or charming faux pas every time she takes the stage.

    几分钟后,马修斯·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)凭其在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》中的角色获得最佳男主角奖,詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)介绍他登场。“你们笑什么?”劳伦斯质问观众们——每当她走上舞台,观众们都期待她再犯个什么错误——摔倒或是可爱的口误。

    But she pulled it off without a hitch, and Mr. McConaughey thanked God and everyone else with a toothy movie star smile.


    John Ridley, who won the best adapted screenplay Oscar for “12 Years a Slave,” invoked the suffering individual at the heart of his story. “All the praise goes to Solomon Northup,” said Mr. Ridley. “These are his words, this is his life.”

    约翰·里德利(John Ridley)凭《为奴十二年》获得最佳改编剧本奖,他在领奖时提起了自己剧本中那个备受折磨的中心人物。“一切赞美归于所罗门·诺萨普,这是他的语言,这是他的生活,”里德利说。

    Spike Jonze won the original script Oscar for “Her,” a Warner Bros. film that had a powerful following, particularly among young viewers, who responded to its quirky story of one man’s love affair with his digital operating system.

    斯佩克·琼斯(Spike Jonze)凭《她》(Her)获得最佳原创剧本奖。这部华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros)发行的影片拥有大量拥趸,特别是年轻观众,他们喜欢片中讲述的男人与数码操作系统之间的奇异爱情故事。

    It was the only win for “Her,” but that was enough to lift it above “American Hustle,” which was slammed hard by the voters.


    Widely seen as one of three films in contention for the top honors, it left empty-handed, a humiliation for a film with 10 nominations and one of the better box office totals, with about $146 million in ticket sales.


    Diversity was a leading motif for ceremony that was hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, a happy-go-lucky lesbian who spent much of the evening in a tuxedo, and which honored Jared Leto as best supporting actor for his role as a transgender AIDS victim in “Dallas Buyers Club.”

    多样化是今天颁奖仪式的一个重要主题,主持人是乐天的女同性恋艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres),今晚大部分时间里她穿着短礼服。此外,奥斯卡还把最佳男配角奖颁给了杰瑞德·莱托(Jared Leto),他在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(Dallas Buyers Club)中饰演一位变性艾滋病患者。

    No one could accuse this show of taking itself too seriously. At Ms. DeGeneres’ behest, a stack of pizzas arrived with a red-hatted delivery guy at the two-hour mark, and both Ms. Streep and Julia Roberts were among those who dug in.

    没有人会批评颁奖礼太过严肃。在德杰尼勒斯要求下,颁奖礼进行到两小时的时候,一群头戴小红帽的外送员送来了披萨,斯特里普(Streep)和茱莉亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)都大吃起来。

    At the halfway mark, Ms. Degeneres, now in a white suit, prowled the audience like a cat, handing out lottery tickets to runners-up, and trying to break a record for retweets with a “selfie” that found her stacked with movie stars, including Ms. Lawrence, Meryl Streep and Kevin Spacey.

    节目进行到中途,换上白色西装的德杰尼勒斯像猫一样溜进观众席,把彩票递给未获奖的被提名者们,她还和许多影星们一起拍了自拍照,其中有劳伦斯、梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)和凯文·史派西(Kevin Spacey),这条tweet创下了被转发次数最多的纪录。

    Twitter’s website went down soon afterward, with early reports indicating that it failed to handle the pop of traffic. Later reports said Ms. DeGeneres’s “selfie” was retweeted more than 1 million times, breaking the site’s previous record, which was set by President Barack Obama after his re-election.


    “We have made history tonight,” said Ms. DeGeneres.


    Ms. Nyong’o, who had been charming Oscar voters with her fresh face and mostly modest demeanor for months, cut loose just a little bit backstage. “I think it belongs to me!” Ms. Nyong’o replied to a question about who deserved credit for the “golden man” in her arms.


    Here and there, genuine fun sneaked into the show. “Happy Oscars to you, let’s do ‘Frozen’ two sang Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, as they picked up an award for their song from the movie “Frozen.”

    颁奖礼上不时出现真正欢乐的场面。“奥斯卡快乐,让我们来唱《冰雪奇缘》里的歌吧。”克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩兹(Kristen Anderson-Lopez)和罗伯特·洛佩兹(Robert Lopez)凭借在《冰雪奇缘》中的歌曲赢得了奥斯卡奖。

    Less happily, Leonardo DiCaprio got nothing for his work, both on the screen as an actor and off-screen and as a producer, on “The Wolf of Wall Street.” But “The Great Gatsby,” in which he had starred back in the early parts of the year, won awards for production and costume design.

    颗粒无收的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo Dicaprio)就没有那么开心了,他在《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)中既担任演员又担任幕后制作人。但由他主演,今年上半年上演的《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)获得最佳美术设计奖和最佳服装设计奖。

    “Captain Phillips” also came up empty-handed, a disappointment for both Sony Pictures, which distributed the film, and Tom Hanks, who had once seemed a likely best actor candidate for his performance as a real-life captain hijacked by pirates. Mr. Hanks, in the end, hadn’t even been nominated, and the film slipped into the peculiar twilight reserved for movies, like “True Grit,” that shine brightly, then mysteriously fade on Oscar night.

    《菲利普斯船长》(Captain Phillips)同样空手而归,令发行该片的索尼电影公司非常失望,同样失望的还有汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks),他在片中饰演一位被海盗劫持的船长,是根据真实人物改编的,汉克斯一度有望角逐最佳男主角奖,但最终甚至连提名都未获得,这部影片也和《大地惊雷》(True Grit)等影片一样,一度闪现明亮的光芒,却又神秘地消逝,在奥斯卡之夜堕入诡异的暮光之中。

    If there were the usual number of winners, it felt like a year of heavy losses as the annual memorial sequence scrolled through a list of film figures who died since the last show.


    Harold Ramis, Karen Black, Hal Needham, Saul Zaentz, Elmore Leonard, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Shirley Temple Black were just a few of those remembered, and, with them, not one golden era, but several, seemed to be passing.

    哈罗德·雷米斯(Harold Ramis)、卡伦·布莱克(Karen Black)、哈尔·尼德汉姆(Hal Needham)、埃尔默·伦纳德(Elmore Leonard)、菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(Philip Seymour Hoffman)与秀兰·邓波儿·布莱克(Shirley Temple Black)只是其中几位,他们的辞世不仅标志着一个黄金年代的逝去,而是好几个黄金年代的流逝。

    Weirdly, the night’s proceedings were punctuated by a theme of movie heroics, though the year’s films were populated more by survivors, as in “12 Years a Slave” and “Captain Phillips,” or antiheroes, as in “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “American Hustle.” The show featured a montage of classic movie heroes crammed mostly with references to characters portrayed in films past — Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Harvey Milk and a dozen or so others.

    今晚的颁奖礼不时怪异地强调电影英雄行为的主题,尽管今年的电影中大都充斥着幸还者(如《为奴十二年》和《菲利普斯船长》)和反英雄(如《华尔街之狼》和《美国骗局》)。颁奖礼上有一段经典电影英雄人物的蒙太奇剪辑,他们在过去被多次搬上银幕,其中有亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)、甘地(Gandhi)、哈维·米尔克(Harvey Milk)和其他十几个人物。

    Oscar lore has it that the Academy has a soft spot for Holocaust stories, like “Schindler’s List,” the best picture winner in 1994. This year, it bestowed a documentary short Oscar on “The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life,” about Alice Herz Sommer, a 110-year-old Holocaust survivor who died just days before the ceremony.

    在关于奥斯卡的传说中有这样一条:学院对以犹太大屠杀为主题的电影格外无法抗拒,比如1994年的最佳影片得主《辛德勒的名单》 (Schindler’s List)。今年它把最佳纪录短片奖授予《6号女士:音乐拯救我的生活》(The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life),这是关于110岁的大屠杀幸存者爱丽丝·赫兹·索默(Alice Herz Sommer)的影片,颁奖仪式举行前几天她刚刚去世。

    The best documentary feature was “20 Feet From Stardom,” a film about backup singers decidedly more fun than the issues-heavy fare that often dominates the category. And it brought a welcome win to the Weinstein Company, which distributed the film through its Radius-TWC division, and which saw several of its other contenders this year — “Philomena,” “August: Osage County,” “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” — fall short of the biggest awards.

    最佳纪录长片奖由《离巨星20英尺》(20 Feet From Stardom)获得,这是一部反映伴唱歌手的影片,这个门类通常充满沉重的题材,这部影片显然要有趣得多。这部影片是韦恩斯坦公通过旗下的Raius- TWC分公司发行的,这次胜利显然颇令公司愉快,特别是它的其他几部参赛影片,如《菲洛梅娜》(Philomena)、《八月:奥色治郡》 (August: Osage County)和《白宫管家》(Lee Daniels’ The Butler)都未能获得大奖。

    In what has become a secondary category — few here will watch subtitled films — there was no surprise when Italy picked up another best foreign film Oscar, its 11th, for “The Great Beauty.” The film, about the life-reckoning of a literary Roman, had been picking up pre-Oscar awards all season, though it had taken in just $2.2 million at the domestic box office since its release by Janus Films in November.

    在第二流的奖项中——这里很少有人会看带字幕的外语片——意大利人不出意料,凭《绝美之城》(The Great Beauty)第11次摘取了最佳外语片奖桂冠。这部影片讲述一位罗马文人的人生觉醒故事,在奥斯卡之前就赢得了各种大奖,尽管它自11月由加努斯电影公司(Janus Films)发行以来,在美国票房只达到220万美元。

    By the end of the night, with most of Hollywood eager to move past the pageantry, the rainstorms that pounded Los Angeles on Friday and Saturday even seemed appropriate: Enough with this Oscar business. Here comes Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” and the summer blockbuster season.

    大部分人好莱坞人都盼着奥斯卡典礼赶紧办完,这么看的话,周五和周六席卷洛杉矶的暴雨还下得真是时候:人们已经受够了奥斯卡。颁奖礼要结束了,接下来该期待达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)的《诺亚方舟》(Noah)和夏季大片季了。

    Certainly, the moviegoing audience was looking forward. This weekend, an action thriller, “Non-Stop,” and a religious drama, “Son of God,” sold more tickets than the best picture nominees “Nebraska,” “Her” or “Dallas Buyers Club” had scraped together since their releases.

    当然,去电影院看电影的观众们已经在向前看了。这个周末,动作惊悚片《极速天劫》(Non-Stop)和宗教剧情片《上帝之子》(Son of God)的票房收入都超过了获奥斯卡最佳影片提名的《内布拉斯加》(Nebraska)、《她》和《达拉斯买家俱乐部》三部影片自发行以来的票房收入总和。

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