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    Saluting Orson Welles


    Film Forum toasts 2015, the centennial of Orson Welles’s birth, with “Orson Welles 100,” an exhaustive five-week overview of his oeuvre. The program kicks off on Jan. 1 with a restored “Citizen Kane” (1941), about which little more need be said, except that if you’ve never seen it, go. The director William Friedkin introduces it, on Jan. 7, as well as Welles’s 1942 follow-up, “The Magnificent Ambersons,” on Jan. 9.

    2015年是奥森·威尔斯(Orson Welles)诞辰百年。“电影论坛”剧院(Film Forum)将举办“奥森·威尔斯百年”(Orson Welles 100)活动,以示纪念。该活动包括为期五周的奥森·威尔斯全部作品回顾,内容详尽。1月1日,该活动将以放映《公民凯恩》(Citizen Kane, 1941)修复版开始。关于这部影片无须赘言,只用说一句:如果你从没看过,那就去看。导演威廉·弗里德金(William Friedkin)将于1月7日介绍该片,1月9日介绍威尔斯1942年的影片《伟大的安巴逊》(The Magnificent Ambersons)。

    Other highlights include “Wellesiana,” a collection of rarities, including the short “The Hearts of Age” (which Welles made at 19), presented by the Welles scholar Joseph McBride; a reading of the play “Too Much Johnson” that incorporates newly rediscovered film segments that Welles shot for his 1938 stage production; and a reassembly of “It’s All True,” Welles’s account of Rio de Janeiro fishermen in 1942, complete with color footage of Carnival. The choices here are abundant and delectable. Savor the rosebud. (209 West Houston Street, west of Avenue of the Americas, South Village; 212-727-8110, filmforum.org.)

    其他亮点包括威尔斯学者约瑟夫·麦克布赖德(Joseph McBride)提供的一系列罕见作品,包括短片《时代之心》(The Hearts of Age,它是威尔斯19岁时拍摄的);《太多约翰逊》(Too Much Johnson)剧本朗诵会,包括威尔斯为这部1938年的舞台剧拍摄的视频片段,是新发现的;《一切属实》(It’s All True)最新版,它是威尔斯1942年拍摄的一部关于里约热内卢渔夫的影片,补充了狂欢节的完整彩色片段。可选的活动很丰富,令人愉快。尽情享受吧(西休斯顿街209号,美洲大道西,南村;212-727-8110, filmforum.org)。

      上一篇:《权力的游戏》再度领衔美剧盗版排行榜 下一篇:好莱坞寄希望于2015年


