Lesson Introduction: It's easy to complain about someone's work performance with your colleagues, but it can be a bit difficult to discuss someone's poor performance with your boss. Listen to today's podcast and learn some appropriate English phrases that you can use to review someone's work performance--both positive and negative, and learn how to make yourself sound really professional.
A: So, Lauren, I just wanted to talk to you quickly about our new customer support representative,Jason Huntley.
B: Sure, what’s up?
A: Basically, I’ve got a few concerns about him, and the bottom line is, I don’t think he’s a good fit for our company.
B: Okay... what makes you say that? I thought you were pleased with his overall performance. Didn’t you just tell me last week how impressed you were with his attitude?
A: Yeah, his attitude is great, but he’s really unreliable. Sometimes he’s really productive, but then other times... take last Tuesday for instance, he was forty-five minutes late for our morning meeting!Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.B: Well, I’m sure he had a perfectly good reason...
A: But that’s not the only thing... you know, he really doesn’t have the best work ethic, I’m constantly catching him on MSN and Facebook when he should be talking to clients.
B: Yeah, but come on, Geoff, as if you don’t check Facebook at work. Look, you hired this guy, we’ve invested a lot of time and money in his training,so now it’s up to you to coach him. Make it work,Geoff!
A: Make it work, Geoff. You would say that, wouldn’t you, he is your cousin; what a jerk, make me hire your stupid, useless, cousin.