教程:恋爱物语  浏览:940  
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    How to Design Your Own Wedding Rings

    Your wedding is unique and special to you and your partner. Shouldn’t your rings be unique and special as well?


    You Will Need

    *Pictures or sketches
    *Jewelry designer
    *Wax or computer model



    Step 1: Create a concept 脑中要有戒指的概念,多收集一些你喜欢的类型的戒指图片。
    Create a concept for your wedding rings. Gather pictures of rings with design elements you like, or sketch out your ideas.

    Step 2: Get a quote 去戒指设计师那里问问价钱。
    Take your concept drawings and pictures to a jewelry designer to get a quote for the project.

    Check out custom ring designer tools online that use interactive design palettes to build wedding rings.

    Step 3: Be specific 详细地告诉设计师你所想要的戒指的风格,材质。
    Discuss what you are looking for in your wedding rings, and be specific. Detail the kind of gem you want to be the main gem, gems for the sides, the metal for the ring, the band style, and the design.

    Step 4: Model the ring 可以让设计师根据你的描述做一个蜡质模型或者在电脑上设计出图纸。
    Have the jewelry designer take your ideas and create a wax model of your ring or a computer model of your ring.

    Step 5: Approve the model 检查一下模型,如果这正是你一直寻找的戒指模型,那么就拍板定做吧。
    Examine the model. If the ring is to your satisfaction, then approve it. If not, work with the jewelry designer until you get the perfect ring model.

    During the reigns of King George I and King George II, wedding rings were often worn on the thumb.


    create vt. 创造,创作

           Users can easily create or change the content.



    approve vt. 批准;赞成

           I approve of your choice.



      上一篇:恋爱物语:赠人玫瑰手余香 下一篇:恋爱物语:分手后 如何忘记她

