Lots of people suffer from an inability to express their true feelings, which can affect relationships and self-confidence. Here are simple ways to overcome this problem.
You Will NeedFriend or loved one
Notebook (optional)
Step 1: Organize your thoughts 思维组织
Take time to organize your thoughts before telling them to someone else. You need to understand what you’re feeling before you express it.
Write down your thoughts in a notebook; it will help you sort out what is important.
Step 2: Don't wait until you're fed up 及时表达情感
Talk out your feelings before you become too fed up with the issue. Excess anger will make it difficult to explain yourself.
Step 3: Be specific 表达具体明确
Be specific. Refer to specific issues or events that have bothered you, and when and where they took place. A general statement won’t be productive.
Step 4: Describe the feeling 表达真实情感
Describe what you felt when the event occurred.
Don’t simply say that you’re “angry” or “upset,” but use as much detail as you can. This will help the other person better understand the issue.
Step 5: Avoid blaming the other person 避免埋怨他人
Avoid blaming the other person. You don’t want them to become defensive. Talk about your reaction rather than about their mistake.
Morris Albert’s 1975 song “Feelings” made it to no. 6 on Billboard’s Top 100.
fed up with : 受够了…
adj.1.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的
What's the specific time of his arrival?
Will you be specific?
请讲清楚些, 好吗?
2.具体的, 特有的, 特定的
We haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting.
adj.1.富有成效的; 有益的
We had a productive meeting that solved some problems.
我们开了一个富有成效的会议, 解决了一些问题。
2.多产的, 富饶的
They lived on the produc -tive land.