There could be any number of reasons you can’t leave a job you loathe. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to make the best of the time you’re stuck there.
You Will NeedSelf-awareness
Behavioral changes
On-the-job training
Positive attitude
Alternate career options
Night classes or internships
Nest egg
Step 1: Analyze why you hate your job 分析厌烦的原因
Figure out why you hate your job. Do you dislike the work itself, or are your coworkers or boss the problem? Are you bored? Over-qualified? Underappreciated? You can’t begin to survive a job you hate until you’ve identified the problems.
Step 2: Consider solutions 考虑解决方法
Consider solutions. Personality clashes can sometimes be solved by taking a new approach. If a long commute is getting you down, ask if you can work from home a few days a week.
Step 3: Get on-the-job training 参加在职培训
Find a way to use your current job to get free on-the-job training for your next one. Maybe there’s a skill you don’t have that you can learn? Would your employer be willing to pay for job-related classes that in turn might make you more marketable?
Step 4: Quit whining 避免发牢骚
Quit whining. The coworkers you’re complaining to could one day be in a position to recommend you elsewhere — but they’ll think twice about it if you come across as a malcontent.
Be especially nice to interns and entry-level employees; you just may be applying for a job with them someday.
Step 5: Consider other careers 考虑其他的工作
Consider if you’d be happier in another profession altogether. Test the waters with a few night classes or even an off-hours internship. You may discover that you’d rather thrive in a new career than survive a profession you hate.
Step 6: Save money 存一些钱
Sock away some money. It will help you survive lean times if you decide to start at the bottom in a new field that will make you happier.
A study showed job satisfaction in the United States hit an all-time low in 2009, with 55 percent of Americans expressing unhappiness with their position.
n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声
vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声
vt. 使碰撞作声
1. A chronic, whining complainer.
2. A whining, feeble complaint.
The bullets were whining past us.