Steps 步骤
Never take an infant's temperature by mouth.
STEP 1 Check that you can breathe through nose 看看自己是否能用鼻子呼吸
Check to confirm that you can breathe through your nose. If not, you cannot get an accurate oral reading.
STEP 2 Turn thermometer on 打开体温计
Turn the thermometer on according to your thermometer's instructions.
STEP 3 Slip tip under tongue 将体温计顶端放于舌下
Slip the tip of the thermometer under your tongue just to one side of its center. Close your lips around it.
An oral thermometer can also be used under the armpit, but because this method is much less precise, it should only be used if the mouth is not an option.
STEP 4 Wait until reading complete 等待读数完成
Wait until the reading is complete—often indicated by a serious of beeps or by allowing a more than a minute to pass—as directed by your thermometer's instructions.
STEP 5 Remove thermometer 拿出体温计
Remove the thermometer and look at the digital reading. The average normal mouth temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit—if the reading is less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit or more than 103, seek medical assistance.
If the reading is less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit or more than 103, seek medical assistance.
STEP 6 Clean thermometer 清洗体温计
Clean the thermometer. Wash the tip with warm water and soap, and wipe it off with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Most states have outlawed the manufacturing and distribution of mercury thermometers.