Steps 步骤
If your runny nose persists for more than 10 days, contact your doctor.
STEP 1 Take decongestants and antihistamines 服用减充血剂和抗组胺剂
Take the directed dose of decongestant during the day and antihistamines at night. Drink plenty of fluids.
STEP 2 Blow your nose 擦鼻涕
Keep plenty of tissues on hand so that you’re prepared when your nose drips.
STEP 3 Use nasal spray 使用鼻用喷雾
Use saline nasal spray as directed throughout the day.
Make your own saline solution with 8 oz. tap water, ¼-½ tsp. salt, and a pinch of baking soda
STEP 4 Take your vitamins 服用维生素
Take vitamin C and zinc before going to bed, so that when the morning comes around, you’re ready to hit the ground running!
After 30 seconds of use, a handkerchief may contain 15,000 germs.