Steps 步骤
STEP 1 Boost immune system 增强免疫力
Boost your immune system with vitamin C and zinc lozenges to help fight infection in your throat and reclaim your voice.
Eat something before taking zinc as it can cause nausea when taken on an empty stomach.
STEP 2 Rest your voice 少说话
Rest your voice and avoid speaking and breathing in any harsh containments, such as smoke, especially if you're sick.
Avoid whispering as it strains the vocal chords almost as much as shouting.
STEP 3 Drink lots of fluids 多喝水等
Drink lots of fluids, preferably water, to stay hydrated. Try lemon or ginger tea with honey, which is naturally antibacterial.
STEP 4 Skip certain foods 忌吃一些食物
Skip fatty, salty, and spicy foods as well as chocolate and alcohol as these can irritate your throat and lead to acid reflux and cause laryngitis.
STEP 5 Take hot shower 洗热水澡
Take a hot shower to soothe the inflammation with some steam, or lay over a bowl of steaming water with a towel placed over your head.
STEP 6 See a doctor 看医生
See a doctor if the symptoms or pain worsen, or if your voice doesn't return within a few weeks.
Mute swans were the royal bird in the United Kingdom during the 16th and 17th century, and only the king and queen were allowed to eat roast swan.