Steps 步骤
STEP 1 Don't skip breakfast 不能不吃早餐
Eat breakfast every day. You need to put fuel in to get energy out, and after a full night's sleep you're running on empty.
STEP 2 Skip the low-carb diet 跳过低淀粉食物
Make complex carbohydrates the centerpiece of your diet. Carbs supply energy; you should get about half your calories from them.
Complex carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide steady, lasting energy. Simple carbohydrates spike your blood sugar, causing a sugar rush and then a crash.
STEP 3 Eat good fat and high-quality protein 吃优质脂肪和高质量蛋白质食物
Include unsaturated fat and high-quality protein in your diet. Good fats from such sources as olive oil and nuts are a healthy concentrated energy source. Protein helps the body regulate energy use.
STEP 4 Eat more often 多餐
Eat more often. Frequent small meals -- five or six a day -- keep your metabolism up, your blood sugar stable, and your energy level constant.
STEP 5 Eat less 少吃
Don't eat too much. Overeating can literally weigh you down and start a negative energy spiral. Weight gain from overeating can make you feel sluggish and less like exercising, contributing to even lower energy.
Eat whole fresh fruit for snacks. The fiber in fruit makes your body burn its sugars slowly, for long-lasting energy.
STEP 6 Drink more 多喝水
Drink plenty of water because dehydration leads to fatigue.
STEP 7 Drink less 少饮酒
Cut back on alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol disrupts sleep, leaving you tired the next day and the temporary boost from caffeine eventually leads to an energy letdown.
Potential energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion -- the use of potential energy.