Steps 步骤
Never change your diet without first consulting your physician.
STEP 1 Eat less saturated fat 少吃饱和脂肪
Eat less saturated fat. If you are used to eating a diet high in fat, reducing your fat and cholesterol intake will reduce your blood pressure.
STEP 2 Keep your weight under control 控制好体重
Count calories and keep your weight in check. Putting on extra pounds tends to raise blood pressure.
STEP 3 Eat more produce 多吃农产品
Eat more produce. Fruits and vegetables contain potassium, a mineral that appears to lower blood pressure.
STEP 4 Reduce your salt intake 减少盐的摄入量
Reduce your salt intake if your blood pressure responds to salt in your diet. About 58 percent of people with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive.
If you are not sure whether you are salt-sensitive, consult your doctor about trying a low-salt diet to see if your pressure drops.
STEP 5 Drink in moderation 适度饮酒
Drink alcohol in moderation. Although studies have shown that one alcoholic drink a day can lower your blood pressure, drinking excessively will raise it.
Over the course of an average life span, the human heart beats about 2½ billion times without stopping.