Steps 步骤
STEP 1 Make a meal plan 做一个饮食计划
Make a meal plan for a couple weeks at a time. Plan every meal for that time period so that nothing will go to waste.
STEP 2 Look for deals 寻找降价产品
Keep an eye out for sales. When staples such as rice, grains, and beans are on sale, stock up, but don't buy what you won't eat just because it's on sale.
STEP 3 Find local organic sellers 购买本地商贩的有机食物
Find and take advantage of local farmer's markets and food co-ops. The food is always fresh and often less expensive.
Avoid oils, except Flax and extra virgin Olive oil, and add pharmaceutical grade fish oil with Omega 3 and 6 to maintain a healthy diet.
STEP 4 Select generic 选择非预包装食品
Avoid prepackaged foods, even ones that are labeled "healthy" or "smart" choice. Prepackaged foods almost invariably contain preservatives and white starches, and are often no less expensive than fresh foods.
STEP 5 Substitute meat 选择肉食替代品
Eliminate meat once a week and cook vegetarian meals. Use beans, eggs, and other protein-rich foods to supplement.
Think about growing your own food in a backyard garden to ensure quality and freshness.
STEP 6 Eat seasonal foods 吃应季食物
Buy seasonal produce. Load up on stone fruits in the summer and apples and pomegranates in the fall.
STEP 7 Avoid eating out 避免在外就餐
Avoid eating out by packing a lunch whenever you can.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans waste around 96 billion pounds of food yearly.