Chapter 10
“Are you sure about this?” asked a skeptical Banner when he heard Ant-Man's plan.
“Not entirely,” admitted Ant-Man. “However, I can't think of anything else.”
“But we've been trying to stop me from turning into the Hulk all day,” Banner pointed out.
Ant-Man's idea was simple. “When we were talking earlier, and you were telling me how the Hulk is often misunderstood, you said, ‘Everything runs from the Hulk,’ ” Ant-Man explained. “I get why that's normally a problem, but now we can turn it into a strength.”
Banner had to admit that Ant-Man was right: the living undead would attack everything that moved, trying to bite and pass on their infection . . . but if anything could get them to run, it would be a rampaging Hulk.
“Okay, but if the Hulk winds up busting up the city, I'm telling the mayor it was your fault,” said Banner.
Banner nervously walked straight into a crowd of the living undead. It was easy for the scientist to let himself grow angry as the infected grabbed at him and tried to bite him. Moments later Banner's body started to grow and turn green.
His clothes ripped as his body mass doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled. By the time the transformation was complete, nothing recognizable was left of Banner. Instead, there was just. . . the Incredible Hulk!
The Hulk roared, and all the living undead around him stopped advancing for a second. Even the sound of him was giving them pause.
“Hey, Hulk!” shouted Ant-Man, shrinking and jumping onto his shoulder. “Can you hear me?”
Hulk looked at Ant-Man. “Little man Hulk's friend?” the green Goliath asked.
“Yes, but you see the zombie people? You have to chase them to this place.” Ant-Man used a holo-projector to show Hulk a picture of Madison Square Garden, an arena big enough to hold all the remaining living undead.
“Hulk just smash zombie people?” Hulk suggested with a roar. “Hulk smash zombies!!!”
“No, the zombie people are Hulk's friends, too,” Ant-Man answered quickly. “They're just sick. Round them up, okay?”
“Okay,” said Hulk. “Hulk like chase!”
And with that, he was off!
Ant-Man's plan worked like a charm. When the living undead saw Hulk coming, they ran as fast as their diseased zombie legs would carry them! It was just like Banner had said: everything ran from the Hulk.
“I was skeptical,” said Iron Man to Ant-Man as he watched the Hulk chase the last of the remaining living undead into Madison Square Garden. “But it looks like this is going to work.”
Black Widow and Thor helped load the remaining medical mist canisters into the building's ventilation system, opening them before sealing the outside vents shut. They expected the ventilation fans to spread the mist through the arena, delivering the cure to all inside.
“You spoke too soon, Iron Man,” said Falcon, scanning the building. “It's not working. The mist isn't circulating!”
Inside, Ant-Man could see that some of the living undead were already banging on the now closed Madison Square Garden entrance. A crack started to spread across one of the glass doors. It wouldn't hold for long.
“I'm on it,” said Ant-Man. “Just tell me where the blockage is, Falcon!”
“I can do better than tell you,” said Falcon as he projected a 3-D hologram from his handheld device. It featured a rotating image of the building's ventilation system, highlighting the problem spot in red.
Ant-Man studied the hologram for a second, looking at it with an eye for detail honed by hours spent poring over schematics of electrical systems.
“Got it. Wish me luck!” Ant-Man said as he shrank down to ant size and slipped into the arena's air ducts.
He scurried through the ducts, growing and shrinking as needed to fit through the different corridors and quickly making it to the jammed fan indicated by Falcon's hologram.
“Found it,” he said, giving the fan a push to try to start it moving again.
But it didn't work.
“It's not moving,” Ant-Man said, trying again.
“Maybe it's not a simple jam after all,” suggested Falcon over his comm.
Ant-Man looked around and spotted the electrical wires that fed into the fan's motor. He popped off an access hatch and rooted around in the system.
“You're right, not a jam . . . we've got an electrical problem,” Ant-Man announced. “Good thing we've also got an electrical engineer!”
Ant-Man patched together two wires. He instantly knew it had worked.
“Gotcha!” Ant-Man shouted as the air flowed past him.
As the mist circulated through the system and started to cure the remaining infected New Yorkers, Ant-Man jumped back out of the air vent and sized up. All the Avengers cheered and gathered around him.
“Tiny man now less tiny,” observed a confused Hulk.
“I have to admit, you did great today,” Hawkeye said to Ant-Man.
“And we owe you an apology,” said Falcon. “If we had taken you more seriously right away, things would never have gotten this bad.”
“That's not a mistake we'll make again,” Cap stated.
“Definitely not,” agreed Black Widow.
Ant-Man smiled. “Thanks, everybody,” he said. “That means a lot coming from Earth's Mightiest Heroes!”
Later, after Hulk had calmed down and turned back into Banner, Ant-Man got a message to meet the doctor in his Helicarrier lab.
“Hey, Bruce, what's up?” asked Scott when he walked in.
“Nothing. I needed you here so you could get a S.H.I.E.L.D. security pass to our lab,” said Banner.
Scott didn't think he'd heard that right. “Our lab?”
“Yep,” said Banner. “You can't do all your scientific work in an anthill, so I hope you'll join me here from time to time.”
“Are you sure?” asked Scott. “I mean, I'm not sure the other Avengers would want me around. . . .”
“You're right,” said Iron Man, entering the lab. “I usually don't like having competition in the genius department . . . but in your case, I'll make an exception.”
“Genius?” asked Scott, surprised.
“What else would you call the guy who cured me, and half of New York, even after all the other so-called heroes had written him off?” asked Iron Man.
Ant-Man smiled from ear to ear.
“So what do you say?” asked Bruce. “Lab partners?”
“count on it!”