Chapter 8
Thor found her there, letting her mind spin around in circles of anger and self-blame.
He had to wave his hand in front of Kamala's face a few times before she noticed him.
“Oh,” she said, “it's you.”
“Should not you be wearing your mask, Ms. Marvel?” Thor asked gently, crouching down in front of her. He picked her mask up off the ground and offered it to her.
Kamala stared at it blankly for a while and then shook her head.
“I'm not feeling very heroic,” she said. She told Thor all about what had happened.
“I thought it was the Inventor's fault that my life is a mess,” Kamala finished, “but it's my fault. I'm the one who forgot to study for the test. I'm the one who let down my friend. I'm the one who's messing things up every day. I just didn't want to face it, and I took it out on that stupid chicken kid.”
Thor sat down next to her and stared thoughtfully up at the sky.
“Perhaps you do not believe this,” he said, “but I have felt the same way myself.”
Kamala squinted at him skeptically. “You're right,” she said. “I don't believe it.”
Thor sighed. “I was not always as wise or as humble as I am now,” he said. “When I was a younger man, I had many faults. I was arrogant. I was impatient.”
He paused. “To be fair,” he said, “I was very handsome, brave, and fierce in battle. I still am!”
Kamala smiled and poked Thor in the side. “And wise and humble, too.”
Thor grinned. “Perhaps not perfectly humble,” he admitted. “We are none of us perfect.”
“No,” Kamala said sadly. “We aren't. Me especially.”
“But that is my point,” Thor said. “Heed my tale, Kamala Khan. There came a day when I realized that I was nothing more than an arrogant child. And on that day, I doubted.”
Kamala looked up at him. Thor was still staring at the sky, but there was something in his face that she recognized, because it was the same thing she was feeling.
“I doubted myself,” Thor continued. “I saw that I had been vain, cruel, and thoughtless. This man is no hero, I thought. This man is a fool.”
Kamala's heart twisted a little in her chest. “What did you do?” she asked.
“I learned to accept two important things,” Thor said. “First, that I was not perfect. Then, that I did not need to be, as long as I kept trying.”
Kamala frowned. “I know you're hoping to make me feel better about how badly I screwed up,” she said, “but I don't buy it. You seem pretty perfect to me. You're an Avenger.”
“I am an Avenger because I have learned to accept my faults,” Thor said. “And if I were perfect, I would have realized immediately that ‘slime suspect’ is not a thing.”
Kamala giggled. “See, Hawkeye knows what being an Avenger is really all about,” she said. “Pranking your teammates.”
“Indeed,” Thor said, smiling. Then he looked at Kamala very seriously. “You have failed today, but that does not mean you are a failure. You cannot do everything perfectly, Kamala Khan, and you cannot do everything by yourself.”
Kamala smiled. “Thank you, Thor,” she said. “That means a lot to me.” And she really did feel better. There was something amazing about knowing that Thor, the mighty Avenger, had once dealt with the same doubts and fears.
“There is no need to thank me,” Thor said. He handed Kamala her Ms. Marvel mask again, and this time she accepted it. “And you should not be so hard on yourself. You are a better person at sixteen than I was at nine hundred.”
“Aw,” Kamala said, throwing her arms around Thor, “you don't look a day over eight hundred and ninety-nine.”
Evening was dimming into night when Ms. Marvel and Thor approached the Inventor's lair at last. “I think he must be back by now,” Ms. Marvel said. “Hopefully we've still got the drop on him.”
Then a shout shattered the quiet night air.
“It's time!” A shrill, unpleasant voice erupted from the factory tower. “My brilliance knows no bounds!”
Ms. Marvel and Thor looked at each other.
“That's definitely the Inventor's voice,” Ms. Marvel said.
“Tonight, we take Jersey City,” the Inventor yelled. “And tomorrow—”
“Ah, I know this one,” Thor told Kamala. He threw a fist into the air as though he were a maniacal villain. “And tomorrow, the world!” he said, mimicking the Inventor.
“The world?” Ms. Marvel replied incredulously. “With that gang of birdbrains as his army?”
“And tomorrow, the New York metropolitan area!” the Inventor finished triumphantly from inside the factory.
“That seems more reasonable,” Thor remarked.
“And shortly after that,” the Inventor added, still yelling, “the tristate area! And then, following our takeover of the northeastern United States, we'll move on to the Eastern Seaboard—”
“Should we just go in right now?” Ms. Marvel said. “I feel like this could go on for a while.”
“By all means,” Thor said. He offered his arm, and Ms. Marvel grabbed it. Thor swung Mjolnir skyward, and the two heroes sailed into the sky, heading directly toward the tower.
It was time to fight.