His Esco, I realized soon enough, was just another version of Later! A summary and unconditional goodbye, spoken not as you were leaving, but after you were out the door. You said it with your back to those you were leaving behind. I felt sorry for those on the receiving end who wished to appeal, to plead.
我很快就知道他的 Esco 只是另一个版本的“回头再说”。简明扼要、没得商量的告别,不在离开前说出口,而是踏出门槛外才说。你背对着被你留在身后的那些人说。我为那些站在接受那一端,想要抗辩或恳求的人感到难过。
Not knowing whether he’d show up at the dinner table was torture. But bearable. Not daring to ask whether he’d be there was the real ordeal. Having my heart jump when I suddenly heard his voice or saw him seated at his seat when I’d almost given up hoping he’d be among us tonight eventually blossomed like a poisoned flower. Seeing him and thinking he’d join us for dinner tonight only to hear his peremptory Esco taught me there are certain wishes that must be clipped like wings off a thriving butterfly.
不确定他是否会跟我们一起吃晚餐,是一种折磨,却是可忍受的。不敢问他会不会来,才是真正的酷刑。有时候我几乎放弃了,觉得他当晚不跟我们吃晚餐,却听见他的声音或看见他坐在他的位子上时,我的心会猛然一跳,就像一朵有毒的花朵忽地绽放。看见他,以为他今晚会一起吃晚餐,最终却听到他一句专横的 Esco,则让我体会到,总有一些愿望会落空,就像翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶被剪掉了翅膀。
I wanted him gone from our home so as to be done with him.
I wanted him dead too, so that if I couldn’t stop thinking about him and worrying about when would be the next time I’d see him, at least his death would put an end to it. I wanted to kill him myself, even, so as to let him know how much his mere existence had come to bother me, how unbearable his ease with everything and everyone, taking all things in stride, his tireless I’m-okay-with-this-and-that, his springing across the gate to the beach when everyone else opened the latch first, to say nothing of his bathing suits, his spot in paradise, his cheeky Later!, his lip-smacking love for apricot juice. If I didn’t kill him, then I’d cripple him for life, so that he’d be with us in a wheelchair and never go back to the States. If he were in a wheelchair, I would always know where he was, and he’d be easy to find. I would feel superior to him and become his master, now that he was crippled.