Oliver was receiving many invitations to other houses. This had become something of a tradition with our other summer residents as well. My father always wanted them to feel free to “talk” their books and expertise around town. He also believed that scholars should learn how to speak to the layman, which was why he always had lawyers, doctors, businessmen over for meals. Everyone in Italy has read Dante, Homer, and Virgil20, he’d say. Doesn’t matter whom you’re talking to, so long as you Dante-and-Homer them first. Virgil is a must, Leopardi21 comes next, and then feel free to dazzle them with everything you’ve got, Celan, celery, salami, who cares. This also had the advantage of allowing all of our summer residents to perfect their Italian, one of the requirements of the residency. Having them on the dinner circuit around B. also had another benefit: it relieved us from having them at our table every single night of the week.
奥利弗接到许多家庭邀请。对我们家的夏天住客来说,这也算是某种传统。父亲一直希望他们别拘束,多和人“聊聊”他们的书和研究主题;他也认为学者应该懂得怎么跟外行人说话,所以总是请一些律师、医生、商人来家里用餐。他总说,在意大利,人人都读过但丁、荷马、维吉尔,无论跟谁谈话,只要先扯点但丁或荷马就对了。维吉尔是一定要讲的,接下来可以提提莱奥帕尔迪。然后尽管用你所知道的一切让人折服,不管是策兰、芹菜或萨拉米腊肠,都没关系。这也有个好处,就是让夏季住客的意大利语得以精进。会说意大利语是住在这里的必要条件。让他们在 B 城巡回吃晚餐还有另一个好处:我们不必每天晚上都跟他们同桌用餐,也稍稍减轻了一点压力。
But Oliver’s invitations had become vertiginous. Chiara and her sister wanted him at least twice a week. A cartoonist from Brussels, who rented a villa all summer long, wanted him for his exclusive Sunday soupers to which writers and scholars from the environs were always invited. Then the Moreschis, from three villas down, the Malaspinas from N., and the occasional acquaintance struck up at one of the bars on the piazzetta, or at Le Danzing. All this to say nothing of his poker and bridge playing at night, which flourished by means totally unknown to us.
但奥利弗接到的邀请多得令人眼花缭乱。奇亚拉和她妹妹一星期至少邀他两回。一名来自布鲁塞尔的漫画家夏天在这儿租了一栋别墅,他希望奥利弗参加他的周末晚宴,聚会只邀请一些住在近郊的作家和学者。还有与我家隔三栋别墅的莫雷斯奇家、来自 N 城的玛拉斯皮纳家,偶尔还有在小广场的酒吧或“跃动舞厅”认识的朋友。这还不包括他晚上玩扑克或桥牌的结交,以我们完全不知道的方式活跃着。
His life, like his papers, even when it gave every impression of being chaotic, was always meticulously compartmentalized. Sometimes he skipped dinner altogether and would simply tell Mafalda, “Esco, I’m going out.”
奥利弗接到许多家庭邀请。对我们家的夏天住客来说,这也算是某种传统。父亲一直希望他们别拘束,多和人“聊聊”他们的书和研究主题;他也认为学者应该懂得怎么跟外行人说话,所以总是请一些律师、医生、商人来家里用餐。他总说,在意大利,人人都读过但丁、荷马、维吉尔,无论跟谁谈话,只要先扯点但丁或荷马就对了。维吉尔是一定要讲的,接下来可以提提莱奥帕尔迪。然后尽管用你所知道的一切让人折服,不管是策兰、芹菜或萨拉米腊肠,都没关系。这也有个好处,就是让夏季住客的意大利语得以精进。会说意大利语是住在这里的必要条件。让他们在 B 城巡回吃晚餐还有另一个好处:我们不必每天晚上都跟他们同桌用餐,也稍稍减轻了一点压力。
But Oliver’s invitations had become vertiginous. Chiara and her sister wanted him at least twice a week. A cartoonist from Brussels, who rented a villa all summer long, wanted him for his exclusive Sunday soupers to which writers and scholars from the environs were always invited. Then the Moreschis, from three villas down, the Malaspinas from N., and the occasional acquaintance struck up at one of the bars on the piazzetta, or at Le Danzing. All this to say nothing of his poker and bridge playing at night, which flourished by means totally unknown to us.
但奥利弗接到的邀请多得令人眼花缭乱。奇亚拉和她妹妹一星期至少邀他两回。一名来自布鲁塞尔的漫画家夏天在这儿租了一栋别墅,他希望奥利弗参加他的周末晚宴,聚会只邀请一些住在近郊的作家和学者。还有与我家隔三栋别墅的莫雷斯奇家、来自 N 城的玛拉斯皮纳家,偶尔还有在小广场的酒吧或“跃动舞厅”认识的朋友。这还不包括他晚上玩扑克或桥牌的结交,以我们完全不知道的方式活跃着。
His life, like his papers, even when it gave every impression of being chaotic, was always meticulously compartmentalized. Sometimes he skipped dinner altogether and would simply tell Mafalda, “Esco, I’m going out.”