Lang: Hi, darling.
Ruth: How was New York?
Lang: Short and sweet. Hi, Barry. Hi, Amelia. Hello. Who are you?
Ghost writer: I'm your ghost.
Lang: Right.
Ruth: Don't worry. He isn't always such a jerk.
Ghost writer: This place really comes alive at night.
Waitress: You'll be with us for four weeks, is that right?
Ghost writer: I'm afraid so.
Waitress: And the bill goes directly to the Rhinehart Corporation?
Ghost writer: Good.
Waitress: That doesn't include the mini-bar.
Amelia: All right. He's ready for you. How's your hotel? Quiet?
Ghost writer: Monastic.
Amelia: That's nice. No distractions.
Lang: Thanks, love. Hi, man. You ready to start?
Ghost writer: Absolutely. Is the manuscript loaded on this?
Amelia: lt is.
Ghost writer: Can l have it?
Amelia: I'm sorry, that would be a security risk.
Ghost writer: You mean I've got to retype the whole manuscript?
Lang: Have you really got my entire book on that little thing?
Amelia: We can get 100 books on it, Adam. And it can be copied in a flash. That's the trouble.
Lang: Amazing. You know the worst thing about my life? You get so out of touch. Everything's done for you. You don't drive, you don't carry money. If I need cash, I have to borrow it from the protection boys.
Ghost writer: This is the kind of details we need in the memoirs.
Lang: I couldn't put that in. People would think I was a complete idiot.
Ghost writer: No, not at all. No, this shows what it's like being Prime Minister. That's exactly what the readers want to know. How does it feel to run a country? How does it feel to be so cut off? How does it feel to be so hated?
Lang: Thanks a lot.
Ghost writer: And so loved.
Lang: Amelia, what do you think?
Amelia: I think I should leave you two alone.