Bella: Hey, did you get contacts?
Edward: No.
Bella: Your eyes were black the last time I saw you, and now they're, like, golden brown.
Edward: Yeah, I know, it's the...It's the fluorescents.
(Horn blasting)
(Tires screeching)
(Loud thuds)
(Loud grunt)
(Breath trembling)

All: Bella! Bella!
(Students clamoring)
Girl: Dial 911!
Boy: I already called. They're gonna send somebody over soon.
Tyler: Bella, I'm so sorry. I panicked.
Girl: Bella, I've got 911 on the phone now.
Bella’s father: Bella. You okay? You and I are gonna talk. You all right?
Bella: I'm fine, Dad. Calm down.
Tyler: I'm sorry, Bella. I tried to stop.
Bella: I know. It's okay.
Bella’s father: No. It sure as hell is not okay.
Bella: Dad, it wasn't his fault.
Bella’s father: You could've been killed. You understand that?
Bella: Yes. But I wasn't, so...
Bella’s father: You can kiss your license goodbye.
Dr. Cullen: I heard the chief's daughter was here.
Bella’s father: Dr. Cullen.
Dr. Cullen: Charlie.
Dr. Cullen: I've got this one, Jackie. Isabella.
Bella: Bella.
Dr. Cullen: Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?
Bella: Good.
Dr. Cullen: Look here. You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good. No signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine.
Tyler: I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really...
Bella: You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way.
Bella’s father: Edward? Your boy?
Bella: Yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.
Dr. Cullen: Sounds like you were very lucky. Charlie.
Bella’s father: I gotta go sign some paperwork. You should...You should probably call your mom.
Bella: Did you tell her? (Groans) She's probably just freaking out.
Rosalie: Fifteen kids that saw what happened.
Edward: What was I supposed to do, then? Let her die?
Rosalie: This isn't just about you. It's about all of us.
Dr. Cullen: I think we should take this in my office.
Bella: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Dr. Cullen: Rosalie.
Edward: What?
Bella: How did you get over to me so fast?
Edward: I was standing right next to you, Bella.
Bella: No. You were next to your car, across the lot.
Edward: No, I wasn't.
(Laughs softly)
Bella: Yes, you were.
Edward: Bella, you're... You hit your head. I think you're confused.
Bella: I know what I saw.
Edward: And what exactly was that?
Bella: You...You stopped the van. You pushed it away with your hand.
Edward: Well, nobody's gonna believe you, so...
Bella: I wasn't gonna tell anybody. I just need to know the truth.
Edward: Can't you just thank me and get over it?
Bella: Thank you.
Edward: You're not gonna let this go, are you?
Bella: No.
Edward: Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment.