Annie: Hey, you're still good to take Dad that week I have to go to DC for Sam's class trip, right?
Dylan: Yeah, he's gonna stay with me in New York.
Annie: Oh, good. So, when are we gonna see Jamie again?
Dylan: I don't know.
Annie: What's your problem? Did you have a fight with your girlfriend?
Dylan: She's not my girlfriend. Why don't you believe me?
Annie: I would believe you if you didn't lie to me. I saw you creeping out of her room the other night. Like you had just had sex, if you know what I mean.
Dylan: Yes, I know what you mean, you just said it. And how do you know what I look like after I have... I'm not talking to you about this, okay? We're not together.
Annie: Dylan.
Dylan: Enough! I'm not talking about it.
Annie: Dylan Dylan.
Sammy: Forgot my saw. I'll be right back.
Jamie: I'll wait here. Don't worry about me.
Annie: Friends who have sex? What are you, in college?
Dylan: It doesn't matter, it's over.
Annie: Why?
Dylan: Because we don't like each other like that.
Annie: Okay, you know what? Can we just talk about this? Sit down. What more are you looking for?
Dylan: Who says I'm looking for anything?
Annie: Dylan.
Dylan:I don't know, but it's not Jamie.
Annie: Why, because you're great together? Because you're actually friends with each other? Because this is the happiest I have ever seen you?
Dylan: I don't know what to tell you. She's not for me. I don't like her like that.
Annie: You liked her enough to have sex with her.
Dylan: It's just physical. Like playing tennis.
Annie: I don't even know what that means, Dylan. I haven't seen you this dumb since you got that candy corn tattoo.
Dylan: It's a lightning bolt! With extra powers!
Annie: Dylan, you can't name one thing that's wrong with her.
Dylan: I can never go out with her. She's too fucked up. Okay, she doesn't want a boyfriend. She's too damaged. Magnum P.l. couldn't solve the shit going on in her head.
Annie: Wow. You'll say anything right now not to admit that you're perfect for each other.
Dylan: Why am I still having this conversation?
Annie: Because I'm right.
Dylan: Good talk, Annie.
Annie: Dylan.
Dylan: Kobe Bryant is incredible.
Annie: You're men. You like sports. You're men. Hey! We were waiting for you.
Jamie: I actually got a call from work. I have to be on a red eye tonight back to New York.
Annie: Tonight?
Jamie: Yeah.
Dylan: Tomorrow's the 4th.
Jamie: I know, it sucks.
Dylan: Well, at least let me drive you to the airport.
Jamie: No, no. It's fine. Stay. I already called a cab. It's out front. But thank you guys for everything. And thank you for letting me stay here. It's been pretty great.
Dylan: Everything okay, buddy?
Jamie: Yeah, buddy. Everything's great. I just really gotta go. So, thank you again. I'm sorry I gotta go.
Dad: Let Dylan drive you.
Dylan: Yeah.
Annie: Do you wanna take some food to go?
Sammy: Do you want me to saw you in half? You can send your bottom part to New York and your top half can stay here.
Dylan: Or the whole of you could stay.
Jamie: Okay, I'm sorry. I gotta go.
Dylan: Jamie Jamie! She's gone. She hopped in the cab.