Sarah: I think my God will be Gucci. Yeah, definitely.
Marley: I think so.
Sarah: Oh, I love it.
Peter: You can fight me for it.
Mom: I've got a big G for gorgeous.
Renee: Cammie goes to college, or Mommy gets this bag.
Sarah: Love you.
Mom: They're fabulous!
Marley: I want you to have these.
Peter: Am I making you hot? What kind of cologne is that? He was flirting with me.
Sarah:Oh, boy. You're so weird.
Marley: Hey. There's a maternity department upstairs. Want to check that out?
Renee: You know-- I'm really tired. I'm gonna go home and lie down. Um, thank you so much for today. I'll call you later. I love you.
Marley: I love you too.
Sarah: I like that.
Peter: Looks like something a stripper would wear.
Sarah: Is everything okay?
Renee: No. It's not okay. She's really sick.
Sarah: I know.
Renee: I'm trying so hard to play along, but I'm terrible at it. And I-- I just don't want to ruin her day. That's the last thing I want to do, so-- bye.
Peter: I'll take her home.
Marley: No!
Mom: It would look so nice on you.
Marley: Yes, it would. If I was you.
Mom: A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
Marley: I don't need no clothes. This is for you guys.
Mom: Everything you own is swimming on you.
Marley: The swimming look is in.
Mom: I just want my daughter to look good. When you look good, you feel good.
Marley: I don't need a new wardrobe to feel good.
Mom: You also don't need a negative attitude.
Marley: You need to wake up and realize I'm not getting any better.
Mom: Can we not do this here.
Marley: No, Seriously! You always bitch about how Dad can't confront anything and here you are walking around in a haze, like protein and a designer dress are going to cure my cancer.