Julian: So that was incredible.
Marley: He's been performing since he was 8.
Julian: Wow!
Marley: So, what are you doing now? Want to get something to eat with me? Like, gefilte fish tacos, perhaps.
Julian: No, I can't stay. I'd love to, but it's not doctor protocol to hang around with a patient.
Marley: Well, I won't say anything if you don't. I'm really fun.
Julian: How can I say no to that, right?
Marley: Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Julian: No.
Marley: Why do you not have a girlfriend?
Julian: Is it that obvious?
Marley: Oh, yeah. Yup.
Julian: I practically live at the hospital.
Marley: Not much of a life.
Julian: Actually, Dr Sanders called me to work here out of more than 2000 applicants. I can't sacrifice that for a personal life.
Marley: I guess I'm more of a cake-and-eat-it-too kind of girl.
Julian: Oh, yeah? Then why aren't you in a relationship?
Marley: Because I don't need to be in one to have a personal life.
Julian: You're not answering the question.
Marley: Well, read about it in my next book: 'Why relationships suck ass.'
Julian: You know, I've never met anyone that talks so much and says nothing at the same time.
Marley: Okay, Fine. That was so... This is me.
Julian: And-- that's me over there.
Marley: Good night, Dr G.
Julian: Good night.
Mom: I'm making you a nice, big, juicy steak.
Marley: Ma! I've been a vegetarian for 12 years.
Mom: Well, you need some protein. By the way, your father called again. He said he was going to do his best to make it out here. Blah, blah, blah. I don't know why you didn't have your friend Sarah watch the dog. Then I could stay here with you.
Marley: Strike one. Wanna try for two?
Mom: Well, I can't control my allergies.
Marley: Or her complaining.
Mom: I heard that. I just wanna help. Tell me what to do.
Marley: Mom, you're here. That's enough.
Mom: Would you go to a nutritionist if I could arrange it?
Marley: Mom!
Mom: Everybody, swears by this macrobiotic diet.
Marley: I don't want that heely-feely shit. So just back off.
Mom: Oh, this steak is burning.
Mom: Go rub some dander on her. Go.
Mom: Shoo! Shoo! Call him, Marley. Call him. That's not funny.