看电影学英语:铁娘子 The Iron Lady 精讲之四
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    本片段剧情:玛格丽特·撒切尔打算竞 选保守党领袖,党内策略家建议她不要再戴单调乏味的帽子以及已婚女士佩戴的珍珠项链,因为这样的打扮可 能会让选民对她望而生畏的能力有所分心。撒切尔夫人放弃了那顶帽子,却依然佩戴着珍珠项链,因为这是她 生下双胞胎后,丈夫丹尼斯给她的礼物。 ……


    Reporter: Mrs Thatcher I understand you recently visited the United States of America. What was it you took away from that visit which may be of value here in Great Britain?

    Mrs Thatcher: Oh that's rather easy to answer, actually. They are unafraid of success. We in Great Britain and in Europe are formed mainly by our history. They on the other hand are formed by their philosophy. Not by what has been, but by what can be. Oh, we have a great deal that we can learn from them, yes. Oh yes!

    Mr Reece: For a start, that hat has got to go. And the pearls. In fact I think all hats may have to go. You look and sound like... a privileged Conservative wife and we've already got her vote. You've got lovely hair... but we need to do something with it to make it more,

    Colleague: Important.

    Mr Reece: Yes. Give it more impact. But the main thing is your voice. Its too high. It has no authority.

    Colleague: Me thinks the Lady doth screech too much.

    Mr Reece: People don't want to be harangued by a woman or hectored. Persuaded yes. That 'oh yes'... at the end of the interview, that's authoritative, that's the voice of a leader.

    Mrs Thatcher: It's all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr Reece, but for some of my colleagues to imagine me as their leader... would be like imagining, I don't know, being led into battle by their chambermaid. It's my background, and my sex. No matter how I've tried, and I have tried... to fit in, I will never be truly one of them.

    Mr Reece: If I may say so - I think that's your trump card. You're flying in the face of everything the Tories have been thus far. It's really very exciting. One simply has to maximise your appeal... bring out all your qualities... and make you look, and sound, like the leader that you could be.

    Colleague: You've got it in you to go the whole distance.

    Mr Reece: Absolutely.

    Mrs Thatcher: Prime Minister?! Oh no. Oh no no no. In Britain? There will be no female Prime Minister here, not in my lifetime. No. And I told Airey, I don't expect to win the leadership, but I... am going to run. Just to shake up the party.

    Colleague: Respectfully, Margaret, I disagree. If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it. What we're talking about here today is surface. What's crucial... is that you hold your course, and stay true to who you are. Never be anything other than yourself.

    Mr Reece: Leave us to do the rest.

    Mrs Thatcher: Gentlemen, I am in your hands. I may be persuaded to surrender the hat. But the pearls were a gift from my husband on the birth of our twins... and they are absolutely non-negotiable.

      上一篇:看电影学英语:铁娘子 The Iron Lady 精讲之三 下一篇:看电影学英语:铁娘子 The Iron Lady 精讲之五


