1. blizzard: 暴风雪。
2. preview: 预看,预先审查。
3. like-minded: 志趣相投的。
4. fly-fish: 用假蝇钓鱼。
5.kickboxing: 跆拳道。
6. Tae Bo: 跆搏。跆搏是目前欧美健身房里的最新热点,它集跆拳道、空手道、拳击、自由搏击、舞蹈韵律操为一体,是一种具有减肥、娱乐、健美、强身作用的新型有氧操。
7. gorgeous: 漂亮的,美丽动人的。看一下例句:
To be frank, I never expected to receive such a gorgeous present.
The children had a gorgeous time in the amusement park.
8. set me up with her: 撮合我和她,给我们牵线搭桥。例:
Ask your trusted friends, chances are one of them will know someone suitable who they can set you up with.
9. go to a lot of trouble: 费了很多心力。例如:It's so kind of you to go to the trouble of planning the whole thing. (多谢你费心计划这一切。)
10. freak out: 极度兴奋。例如:You'd better sit down, this news will freak you out.(你最好坐下,这个消息会使你晕倒的。)
11.riffraff: 乌合之众。