1. insane: 疯狂的,极愚蠢的
I have an insane desire to finish that thing.(我疯狂地渴望去完成那件事。)
2. haunt: 时常萦绕心头
The memory in later times returned to haunt him.(那回忆后来经常浮现在他脑海。)
haunt也常用来表示鬼魂重回或常去,例如:There are stories of the sad ghosts that haunt the hall.(传说有悲哀的鬼魂在这里出没。)
3. Here's the deal:你看这样行不行。
4. psycho: 精神病患者
5. pick up with: 认识,结识
Where did you pick up with that queer fellow?(你是在什么地方结识那个怪家伙的?)
6. time travel: 时空穿越
7. locker: 寄物柜,有锁的存物柜